Actually, to be honest, I don't know if I regret building it, really. Sometimes I find it comical that it has been such an enormous distraction, but it's also been very educational and rewarding, and probably much more of a success than my writing would ever have been.
I do regret not managing my time more effectively. I wish I had dedicated more of my time to writing. But in truth, I probably used bug-fixing as an "out" when I had writers block, or was unhappy with what I was working on. Because of that I improved my coding skills, but my writing skill stagnated, and even regressed a little.
Interesting move by Shopify, given that they have Hydrogen [0]. I was half expecting Hydrogen to become its own all-purpose framework, but alas, they seem to plan for both to co-exist.
> While Hydrogen is focused on commerce, Remix is focused lower in the stack, and will continue to be a general web solution that scales from content through commerce and all the way to apps. Shopify will use Remix across many projects where it makes sense, and you can expect to see more of our developer platform with first-class Remix support over time.
Will there be beta releases before Feb? I'm looking to kick off some headless shopify projects soon - and ideally I don't have to rewrite them in a few months time.
Yes. We are working on it right now. If you are comfortable in Remix, that’s a great place to start. Everything from Hydrogen will be additive from there.
Wow, I remember that cheatsheet was really handy! Thanks for that.
I still google "box sizing paul irish" every now and then to get to your blog… I can hardly believe it has been 10 years since you published that, time flies.