Paste the following into the console of any HN page - for annotated avatars on all HN comments. (self contained code)
for(u of document.querySelectorAll('.hnuser'))for(u.prepend(c=document.createElement('canvas')),x=c.getContext('2d'),c.width=18,c.height=14,s=u.innerText,r=1,i=28+s.length;i--;i<28?r>>>29>X*X/3+Y/2&&x.fillRect(6+2*X,2*Y,2,2)&x.fillRect(6-2*X,2*Y,2,2):r+=s.charCodeAt(i-28,x.fillStyle='#'+(r>>8&0xFFFFFF).toString(16)))r^=r<<13,r^=r>>>17,r^=r<<5,X=i&3,Y=i>>2
One suggestion.. rather than creating a canvas for each user using a querySelectorAll and a loop, I'd use an IntersectionObserver and only create the canvases as they scroll into view. That way the user's device won't need to create hundreds of elements when the code runs.