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It’s just a souped up version of Aider with an easier interface, isn’t it?

Dagster is a better alternative, because of its asset first philosophy. Task based workflows are still available if you really need it.

Why use this over dbeaver?

Which open source Python based ETL tool would one recommend for someone starting an ETL project today? It’s a data volume heavy project with lot of interdependencies between import tasks.

Got a link to the ones you bought?

Do you have a link to the one you bought?

These, got em used: https://a.co/d/1QXJlmw

How do you go about doing this? Would like it to try it out too

I use ChatGPT mobile app and brainstorm. I only show the child the results. Here’s a prompt: “Grim reaper wolf pet in style of Pokémon character. Make the body just out of skull and bones.”

Then I take this image to any of the number of online card creators. None are perfect. Most are half broken. You can use ChatGPT to make names. For example, we made a card for my wife who’s an attorney. We asked for character names based on her profession (law) unique last name with a fire theme. Then we asked for attack descriptions. I used these, heavily edited, to create a full card with her “likeness.”

Flaming justice hammer, anyone?!

For printing I use a laser printer w duplex. I have a trial/error workflow for lining up 4-up cards. I use a heavy poly cardstock from Terraslate. I think the 10 mil. It’s pretty close look/feel and they will last a long time.

These are purely for our own enjoyment, but we have also done play dates where we make custom cards for friends that visit.

The only downside is every kid wants their character to have 300+ HP. Ha!

also curious

I loved equinox, are there plans for more levels? btw, I couldn’t play Keep Out on iPad. I guess it assumes that a keyboard is available

Thanks, there are no such plans at the moment.

Yes, we relied on UA-based mobile detection which worked back then but a few years ago Apple stopped treating iPadOS as mobile, and we never patched this.



Forget the universe, just consider the size of the Milky Way. If the Milky Way was shrunk down to the size of United States, the Earth would be smaller than the gap between the ridges in a fingerprint.

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