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In the general case I don't think that majority miner attacks can be defended against without changing the hash algorithm.

Specific cases like "empty blocks" could be addressed via a hard fork.

But there's nothing stopping miners from faking transactions in blocks, sending amounts to themselves, filling the block with OP_RETURNs, or just doing the minimum possible to get around your "fix".

PoW absolutely relies on >50% of miners being honest, always has done.

The purpose of this project is to challenge people to be specific about the details of that hard fork. Currently there are no theoretical proposals, or concrete BIPs to address.

Can't you do worse things if you have >50% hash power? It seems like DoS is pretty mild all things considered.

It depends how rationally the market responds, I guess.

A reorg attack and a DoS are equivalent in my mind - anyone who's capable of pulling off a lengthy DoS is also capable of performing a reorg attack, whether they actually do or not is kind of irrelevant.

there is a type of reorg attack I proposed that's now been dubbed a "purge attack", that has the effect of destabalising the network by creating a window for all affected users to double spend their previously "finalised" transactions: https://medium.com/deribitofficial/destabilizing-bitcoin-con...

We don't need a new protocol, we just need people to reject centralized services.

The weak link is the legal entity of the corporation.

I suppose there was that time when the US had >15% unemployment (now around 7%).

The X60s is magnificent. I love mine and may also buy more in the future.

Just a fantastic piece of kit. If only the mainboard were upgradable...

The lack of webcam is a bonus as far as I'm concerned; "Zoom culture" can burn.

There's the X62 upgrade kit, which is basically refurbishment of X60/X61 with 2018-era hardware. Might be up to your alley.

I would be interested in any Ryzen aftermarket kits as well too hehe..

Potentially - but I think that part of the author's point is that this shouldn't be necessary. Binning an entire keyboard for the sake of a few keys breaking?

in a community of fellow used-product users, you could buy the replacement kb and part out the keys to fellow travelers

Innovative idea :) Could be extended to buying and sharing multiple sets of parts for multiple products.

We're almost at 100 days since it was last legal for me to interact with another person in my own home - https://esotericnonsense.com for references.

The UK will have vaccinated at least 20 million of the most vulnerable on March 1, providing a high level of protection three weeks later.

From then, the virus becomes simply less relevant than our collective mental health.

Mourning together is better than just being in solitary confinement forever; it's a 100% chance of a mental illness vs. a ~1-5% chance of a physical illness.

March 23, one year since the beginning of restrictions in the UK, I'm done.

Social distancing indefinitely (until Autumn? 2022? 2023? ...) is something other people can do.

Man what makes you think we'll be social distancing for another two and a half years?

And what is this 100% mental illness vs. 5% physical illness coming from? Do you really believe those numbers?

Yes, indefinite restrictions will mean that eventually everyone develops severe mental issues.

Change the 5% to whatever you like, it doesn't matter.

I can deal just fine with the current mainland Europe restrictions. I can see my girlfriend, I can meet friends in video chats (and I do, multiple times per week). I definitely would prefer to end this distancing as soon as possible but I currently feel I could technically continue this indefinitely with very few ill effects.

That's lovely for you. I hope you enjoy your video chats.

I only commented in reaction to your wild claim of 100% mental problems.

If you're happy existing with one other person and video calls indefinitely, then I consider you to be an obvious troll.


You are not everyone. I know people that are thriving under lockdown. I myself am at least doing better than before. I don't understand how you can think your experience is UNIVERSAL. common, sure. but universal?

Everything you can do now could have been done in Feb 2020.

I'm happy for you and hope that when the world returns to normality, you are able to apply the lessons you have learned.

Really? I could have WFH when no one allowed it?

Citation needed

>it's a 100% chance of a mental illness

...wut? That's ridiculous lol.

Here in the UK borrowing to buy a car is a minority thing.

The majority of people throw a few grand at an old banger and drive it until it stops working.

Whenever I read about this sort of thing, I just think - hey, guess I became old (I'm not even middle aged).

I've been playing emulated retro games for the last ten years, there's enough of them to last a lifetime.

Literally no-one I know wants to hotdesk. It's the proletarian option for junior staff; it's a very clear form of cost-cutting.

A fair few people I know do want to visit the office 3 of 5 days, sure.

Reading this sort of thing is just bizarre. It's like that special brand of American "fake smile".

Open offices cut costs too. Are they better?

"Everything is fine".

If we had paid 1000 GBP per vaccine in the UK, I struggle to see how it would have not been the greatest value for money purchase that will have been made within my entire lifetime.

We're in the middle of a three month period of it being illegal for anyone to visit my home...

If I didn't screw up the math that would be ~7% of UK's 2020 GDP and around 60% of the GDP loss in 2020 compared to 2019. It would be really expensive but the scale of what's happening is also huge.

So maybe not the greatest value for money in a lifetime as there are plenty of much cheaper things with better returns, but at this scale of cost you're probably right.

Is there something more important than not being under house arrest whilst people die?

Would it have been worth the money? Yes.

Would it have been outrageous pandemic profiteering? Also yes.

Couldn't give a single fuck. Have my money. :waves about:

As an EU citizen, I second this.

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