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I do the same, and I'll probably automate it soon since I use a fresh markdown doc.

The only thing that remains the same is the header has 'yearly goals'.

It's easy and I can jettison the previous week's unfinished tasks (hey they didn't get done so were they really important?).

Building this with Elixir: https://flexlogs.com

I've always found adding custom metrics and monitoring to applications to be a big hassle, so I'm experimenting with one that uses the log stream instead of agents/daemons.

I had these issues before for plenty of things, it just hurts the most when it's something non-essential. I've had outtages because silly system updates to slack broke and took things down. I run metrics and such out through logs these days because UDP don't care.

This is especially easy if you can shutdown environments that are only used for dev/staging tasks. With 168 hours in a week - how many hours do those things need to be running? I run a little tool for Heroku to make it easy to do this kinda thing.

Often the continous use discounts make regularly turning on and off a wash.

This assumes they have something like RI etc for those resources. Those are typically used for production, but far too often, dev/test resources are usually turned on ad hoc.

I've used bog oak for a bunch of things, it behaves about the same as white oak to me - so I doubt it would be great for tone wood uses.

Thanks for the behaviour note—it sent me on a hunt! Of course, before I'd asked I hadn't searched up whether or not it's been used in instruments.

Seems like the consensus is mixed. It might be a sleeper tone wood for a specifically-tuned instrument?

Either way, the results can be quite pretty...




One of the criticisms leveed against it was in line with your dismissal of white oak—because of it's structure there's more damping than a rosewood but it's otherwise bright just with a fast decay. So I suppose that lends itself well to specific playing styles. Not a standout (aside from maybe looks and rarity), but not useless either.

Found a clip: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ruby1638/21176740531/in/album-...

I'm somewhat obsessed in woodworking but got into it the same way I was drawn to programming - just making things.

Like most things if you expect the first thing you make to be any good it'll be a hard road.

I continue to use Heroku for a few applications. Since the last few application I have worked on are B2B apps they don't get much usage in the off-hours. I wrote a heroku-addon[1] for scaling down on nights/weekends so the cost isn't bad overall.

[1] https://elements.heroku.com/addons/flightformation

The reaction is interesting and seems semi-valid but only because it is a car. If someone charged a phone I doubt anyone would care.

I'm not familiar with Georgia law, but wouldn't this be a misdemeanor and easily handled by a simple citation? (Personally, I think a warning would have been sufficient). The cost of arresting him and holding him in jail for 15 hours, plus prosecution, etc, would be far more expensive than the 5 cents worth of electricity. A simple warning would probably have been more than enough to prevent him from doing it without permission again.

"A simple warning would probably have been more than enough to prevent him from doing it without permission again."

It sounds like they were using him to set an example for others. If they just gave him a warning, hardly anyone would have heard about it. Arrest him and haul him off to jail, and everyone in the town knows about it (and apparently, now, everyone in the world).

I'm guessing that keeping him in jail for 15 hours costs the city hardly anything, since the jail has to be staffed 24 hours a day. Maybe they had to give him a couple of meals. The prosecution will probably cost nothing, since the charges will probably be dropped (or plea-bargained down to a small fine). Any prosecutor who wasted time and resources to prosecute a 5-cent theft would probably face a lot of well-deserved criticism, especially now that the story has been distributed this widely.

I enjoy arts and crafts style furniture, I only consider true breadboard ends if they are mortise and tenon jointed on. When doing this you can design for the movement of the wood.

Also quartersawn white oak is most used, a wood that does not have as much expansion going on.

This is how I did it for my A&C style coffee table: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ejschmitt/9053576208/in/set-721...

Final shot of the coffee table: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ejschmitt/9115541399/in/set-721...

Quartersawn oak is one of the most used woods in A&C furniture. Quartersawing any wood is the best way to produce dimensionally stable stuff (I love that stuff is actually joinery jargon albeit somewhat archaic).

Please forgive my trouble googling this, but what is "A&C style"?

Arts & Crafts style. Made popular in the US by Gustav Stickley's furniture design.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arts_and_Crafts_movement http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Stickley

Beautiful work, thanks for sharing.

Is this sarcasm? Hard to tell since many people do take methamphetamine daily as prescribed by a doctor.

If you have narcolepsy, great. You need strong drugs. If you are a kid who fidgets, I don't think you need amphetamines.

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