Documentation (and press releases/FAQs) are usually for users. Specifications are for developers. The former can precede and help with forming the latter.
It's only not a valid point of criticism if you believe any level of wealth is justified as it must be proportional to that individual's contributions to society.
I think that billionaires' wealth is justified, with the exception of criminal billionaires. Assuming that they pay all taxes that they are legally required to pay, why do you think that they do not have a right to their own personal property? They earned their property through voluntary agreements with other individuals.
A Warren-style wealth tax comes up surprisingly short in terms of funds collected for the government relative to the risks it faces ($2.75 trillion over 10 years, The risks it drives include capital flight, worsened corporate governance, and decreased economic dynamism. These are all long term risks that are difficult to quantify. Most countries that have ever instituted a wealth tax have later repealed it. In every economic sense, taxing income is a better idea than taxing wealth.
Much of our understanding of wealth distribution is biased toward our home country. There's a pretty good chance that if you are an HN reader you are in the top 1% of income or wealth in the world ( When I consider how little of the government's efforts try to solve global humanitarian problems compared to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, I tend to think that the Gates' charitable contributions do more to address income inequality than a wealth tax on Gates would have.
In many ways the charitable contributions by billionaires solve problems that the government is poorly equipped to solve due to collective action problems. Forcing any large-scale charitable effort to be redirected through the government risks stultification, political misappropriation of funds, endless bickering about policy goals, projects cancelled due to changes at each election cycle. Having a two-pronged approach of private and public charity is more robust.
Let alone that sometimes problems and/or ways to solve them are... subjective to say the least. Or priorities are different.
It's OK to spend money without getting approval from the hive mind.
It feels like rehash of centrally governed rehash. If non-profit problem solving shall be centralised, maybe for-profit activities shall be done according by government-approved plan as well?
"Simple is often erroneously mistaken for easy. 'Easy' means 'to be at hand', 'to be approachable'. 'Simple' is the opposite of 'complex' which means 'being intertwined', 'being tied together'" -
I had a math teacher in primary school who used to shout with an exaggerated accent, "simple is not the same as easy!" She really wanted to drill the idea into our heads that just because you know exactly how to do something, doesn't mean that it will be quick or easy to accomplish.
Like, for a schoolchild, long division. The rules are simple, but given big enough numbers you'll probably mess up at least once. And then the same thing turns out to be true with algebra, geometry, derivation/integration, and on. It's not a bad mantra.
"It is straightforward to show that..." means that you could probably do it with your current knowledge, but it will take 6 dense pages, four false starts and about a week of focused work.
I used to joke that when a solution was known to exist the problem was "trivial"; when a solution was not known to exist it was "nontrivial". A problem that's bloody well impossible is "decidedly nontrivial".
'You' being personified here, rather than the general you.
Straightforward tends to suggest we don't have to have a bunch of meetings about it, because the right person either has the knowledge or we know precisely where to get it.
GUIs are easy for the specific things the programmers made easy, and potentially impossible for everything else. The moment you want something the developers didn't put in the GUI, there's no recourse other than writing your own tool.
Command lines are harder to begin with, but modern command lines give you a gentler ramp up to writing your own tools.
In all your examples, the complexity is hidden in the underlying technology, which I think makes them less than ideal. Sewing with a sewing machine is usually both less complex and simpler than sewing by hand. If you count the complexity of the hardware and the operating system and compiler, nothing in development is simple.
For me the dichotomy is better is better illustrated by: I need to create a new class that, with a few exceptions, does exactly what an existing class already does.
The easy way is to copy the existing class and make the small necessary changes in the copy. The simple way would be to refactor and put all the differences in delegates.
Did you mean "easier"? Because complex and simpler are antonyms, so it seems kind of redundant to use both words.
> the complexity is hidden in the underlying technology
The complexity is there. Maybe not all get involved with it, but it's still there.
> Sewing with a sewing machine is usually [simpler] than sewing by hand
The technology is more complex. The operation is maybe on par, though I would think it's also more complex. I may be biased in that I've hand-stitched many times and I find it super-simple, but I'm still a bit intimidated at the prospect of learning the basic use of a sewing machine. For very basic hand-stitching, you just put the thread through the needle, and the needle through the clothes in some pattern. That's it. For the sewing machine, I guess you have to lead the thread through some parts of the machinery, select some stuff through the knobs, etc. I think there certainly is a need to know a bit on the construction and workings of the sewing machine to be able to fix issues that arise.
> If you count the complexity of the hardware and the operating system and compiler, nothing in development is simple.
Complex and simple are relative terms, after all. If you refer to the last example of CLI vs GUI, they both involve the OS and compiler, etc. so that cancels out and we can refer to one as simpler or more complex than the other just based on the differences. Now, if you compare software development to making a sandwich, then sure, nothing in software development is as simple as making a sandwich.
> The easy way is to copy the existing class and make the small necessary changes in the copy. The simple way would be to refactor and put all the differences in delegates.
I agree to that, and that also aligns with the examples I gave. The complexity is mainly in how the thing is constructed. Duplicated code adds complexity to how the program is constructed. When you want to make a change to the common code, you have to make the change twice, maybe with a few differences. That makes development of the program also more complex.
It's the same as a sewing machine, or a stick blender with chopper attachment. Their construction and maybe operation is more complex than their counterparts.
I am yet to appreciate Rich Hickey's now famous "Simple Made Easy". While I agree with his points, I don't understand the significance of it. Simpler is easier than complex, right? Even the title said "simple-made-easy". What is the fuss about emphasizing "Simple is erroneously mistaken for easy"? They are not the same, but they are intimately related. Or is this an emphasis on relative vs absolute -- that relative simple can still be relatively not easy?
I don't think I misunderstood Rich Hickey, and I don't think I disagree. But I don't understand why people quote the opening sentence and feel so significant for them? To me, that is just a click-bate.
My takeaway was that if we conflate the two, we tend to use familiar (easy) tools to solve our problems, but that learning a new tool (hard) could result in a simpler solution.
E.G, passing something to a legacy program in a language I'm unfamiliar with from a program I wrote in a familiar language is easier than implementing my solution in the legacy language, but it's not simpler.
The 'relative vs absolute' seems like a heuristic to distinguish the two. Writing a solution in a different language is easier to me, but I can tell on an absolute level that there are more failure points to that approach.
Nice explanation. Python is a great example of this IHMO. It is a real struggle to get the Python programmers on my team to use any other language than Python.
Why? Because it's easy for them. But the solutions they create with it are highly suboptimal. They could be far more robust and expressed much more concisely and directly in other languages with more powerful type systems and better support for eg: functional concepts.
But they actually really think that because Python is easy for them, that it's "simple". It's not: it's incredibly complex.
Haha, I was thinking of that as I wrote it. My first language was C++ back in the day, then I dabbled in various languages for a while, and finally really dove into Python because there was a project I couldn't figure out how to write any other way. If I had to work with one of the languages I learned earlier, my first instinct would now be to write the solution in Python and pass it to the legacy program. Perfect example of what the speaker is warning of.
Thanks. I think I understand the background much better now. When we think easy, we always take the "my" and "now" perspective. When we think simple, we often take the wholesome point of view. Thus the need for differentiation.
Well, no. Complexity has an obvious price but simplicity does too. You have to work for simplicity, even fight for it. Think of code; it just somehow becomes more complex. You have to work to pare it back to what's needed.
I can't think ATM of better examples (and you deserve some), but no, simplicity does not come easy.
A nice phrase I came across: "elegance is refusal".
Until you find a good example, I challenge your understanding :)
Similar to my response to another comment, I suspect there is a switching of subjects. It starts with a problem, and the subject is a solution to the problem. Simpler solution is easier to understand and manage. A more complex solution is more difficult. Is there a counter example?
Try not to switch out the subject here. For example, one may propose to use a library to solve the problem by calling `library.solve`. And then one may argue that the simplicity of the code is actually more difficult to manage as one need trouble shoot all the details/bugs/interfaces with the library. We should recognize that the library itself is not the same as the solution. The solution includes the calling the library and its details/bugs/interfaces/packaging/updating/synchronizing etc. And these elements interwine to make the complexity. So the solution itself using the library is not necessarily simple. It is difficult exactly because of the complexity.
As you can tell, I am essentially making the same opinion as Rich Hickey, which is `simple-made-easy`. And it is very far away from the click-bate opening statement of "simple is often erroneously mistaken for easy". A more correct sentence probably should be "simple is often erroneously labeled by partial".
EDIT: To clarify, I am not saying a solution using a library is more complex. It depends. With a library, the solution is layered and delegated. The entire solution is more complex and more difficult to understand -- if one is to understand every byte of it. However, the layering means not all complexity need to be understood for practical reasons. So with proper layering and a good judgement of practicality, the part of the complexity that you practically need manage may well be simpler (and easier) by using a library, or not. It depends.
I don't deny your right to challenge, but tight now I can't give an example. I've just gone through months of my posts looking for one particular post that might clarify but I can't find it. Not being able to search your own comments is frustrating. I'll have a muse overnight.
Simple is easier than complex the same way that exercise is easier than chronic obesity. If you have the discipline to do the obvious that's great, but it takes willpower to create or do the simple thing. Oftentimes it's easier or more expedient to do the lazier easy thing in the moment, but you pay for it down the road. For example: I notice I'm doing the same calculation twice on the front and back end of my application. The "simple" thing to do would typically be to extract that logic to one place so that you don't end up having to modify it in two/five/twelve places down the road. But I'm already halfway through writing it, and the simplification will involve some non-trivial refactoring, so I take the easy route and write the same logic twice. It's easy for now, but will be complex when I have to change it down the road.
Modules are "simpler" than vectors because they have fewer axioms, but they are also much harder to understand. For example, not all modules have a basis, which can make them much harder to work with.
Good luck explaining "simpler" with modules and vectors :).
Simple is defined as not to inter-wine. To understand an axiom is to understand how it "inter-wine" with other axioms to prove certain results. So fewer axioms necessarily results in more interwines, ie complex. I think here we are switching the subjects: from axiom itself to the results that we want to prove. If we focus on the simplicity of proving the results, the simplicity of axioms are irrelevant.
The main reason modules are interesting is not as a generalisation of vector spaces, but because they are helpful in studying rings. Kernels of ring homomorphisms are ideals, which in general are not subrings, but they are modules - and of course every ring is a module over itself. So to study a ring R it pays off to instead study R-modules, since working with them is... you guessed it! Simpler.
The way I see it, when there's already a lot of complexity inherent to the domain (eg, software design), it's nearly always much easier to add to the complexity than to find a way to reduce it.
The problem here is not that "simple is not easy", it is rather "picking partial and sacrificing/neglecting whole". Since one is only part of a team and a part of the whole design/develop/use circle, the "whole" problem is not (necessarily) "my" problem, therefore it is easy to pick a simple and easy solution from "my" perspective. The "my" and "whole" can also be swapped with "now" and "future". "now" is here but "future" is uncertain.
That's where "local complexity : global simplicity" tradeoffs come into play; well-defined boundaries (coherent interfaces) are key to striking the right balance.
Yeah, YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It") and STTCPW (Simplest thing that could possibly work) are good rules of thumb.
Finally, as for "not my problem"?
IMHO (and IME, 21yrs in the industry), that's a dangerously myopic stance. Those who make the effort to expand their perspective beyond the scope of their immediate tasks and responsibilities are those whose skills, powers, value and influence show commensurate growth. By all means, be a good team player and do your (current) job to the best of your abilities, which includes efficiency and ergonomics and awareness of available shortcuts. But if you do this for too longbe aware of the compounding effects, not only on the larger system's technical debt, but also the limits this may be placing on your career.
If you haven't seen this talk; watching it will make you a 10x better programmer. This is what I take for my definition of complex and it applies broadly in a very practical manner.
What rhetoric? Are you confusing this with "the 10x programmer" meme?
Claims of becoming a 10x better programmer aren't claims about making one a 10x programmer. The former is about relative self-improvement and motivationally hyperbolic; the latter is about relative comparison to others, is often used negatively to belittle, and is detrimentally hyperbolic.
I would defensively be more hyperbolic and use a different number, just because 10x is tainted by stupid ideas in programming. But your intent was pretty clear to anyone paying attention... that's just a high bar sometimes.
If respect is measured by an integer, going from level 2 to 20 is great. But if you have no respect, then gaining 10 times as much still leaves you at none.
If you are disrespected DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO unless you want to be disrespected more by a factor of 10!
However if you go from writing spaghetti code to something more structured (i.e. loosely coupled, however that is expressed in your language) then you're team mates will hate you less.
The speaker is Clojure creator Rich Hickey, but the talk is about a mental model for thinking about complexity.
Inherent complexity involves tradeoffs.
Incidental complexity you can fix for free.
"And because we can only juggle so many balls, you have to make a decision. How many of those balls do you want to be incidental complexity and how many do you want to be problem complexity?"
The article is about the former. I bet the latter dominates day-to-day line-of-business coding.
Simplicity is often a matter of perspective, a function of a certain perception of a complex subject and the set of expectations that go with this perception. There is no absolute in analysis and in modelling synthetic propositions from the atoms used by the particular analysis.
(E.g., we may analyse and model an action in terms of verb-noun or of noun-verb, with major differences in what may be perceived as "simple" in the respective model.)
Referring to the above example of verb-noun vs noun-verb grammar: take for example the infinitive verb form. With the former (verb-noun) it's just the verb devoid of any context, simplicity in its purest, which is also, why and how it's listed in a lexicon. Looking at this from the noun-verb perspective, you've to construct a hypothetical minimal viable object, which will be also – as you want to keep things simple – the object every other object inherits from, the greatest common denominator of any objects that may appear in your system. By this, you arrived at the most crucial architectural questions of your system and its reach and purpose. While it's still about simple things, neither the task nor the definitions derived from the process will be simple at all. Nor is there a universally accepted simple answer, as a plurality of object oriented approaches may testify for. The question is on an entirely different scale and level for the two approaches. On the other hand, for a verb-noun approach, similar may appear for anything involving relations, which are already well defined in an object oriented approach. And, as you've arrived at these simple fundamentals of simplicity in your system, what may be simple or not in your systems will depend on the implicit contracts included in these definitions and how well they stand the test of time and varying use and purpose.
Later in the talk, he draws a distinction between inherent complexity (the focus of the article) and incidental complexity (which you can fix without tradeoffs). Tradeoffs can be critically important, but the latter kind of complexity probably dominates my day-to-day life. I find this oddly encouraging, in a free-lunch sort of way.
"And because we can only juggle so many balls, you have to make a decision. How many of those balls do you want to be incidental complexity and how many do you want to be problem complexity?"
wouldn't say simple is the opposite of complex though? especially when talking about software systems or other systems in general. what i am thinking is that some complex systems can be made of very simple components.
the best example is our complex brain being made of simpler components working together. maybe the opposite of complex is chaotic? i don't know...
Simple systems can indeed be made of complex components; however it is a measure of interconnectedness. The key concept is that we can only hold a finite amount of complexity in our heads at any one time, and so if we can minimise that we can be more efficient and effective.
The analogy is a lego castle vs a wool castle. A lego brick is very simple and contained, and from this you can build wonderful structures; in addition if you wish to change out a portion it is easy to do because changing on part of the system (i.e. implementation) doesn't affect the rest so long as the contract between components is maintained.
Contrasting: should you pull on a thread in a wool castle it will affect other parts of the castle. A lot of software is like this, which makes it very hard to reason about.
"Interconnectedness" is also a measure of resistence to hierarchical decomposition (or factoring ax+bx -> (a+b)x); irreducable complexity.
One technique is redefining the problem, to smaller or bigger:
Work on only part of a problem, a subset, leaving something out. e.g. git's data model does not represent renames as first class constucts, enabling it to be disproportionately simpler.
Expand the problem, a superset, to integrate lower or higher level or associated parts that aren't usually included. Previously scattered commonalities may then appear, enabling decomposition.
And the Lego analogy works in particularly nicely considering just how much effort, precision and design work needs to go in to making the blocks simple [0]. This is a nice analogy for how keeping software components simple and making them interface cleanly is a difficult task.