"Interconnectedness" is also a measure of resistence to hierarchical decomposition (or factoring ax+bx -> (a+b)x); irreducable complexity.
One technique is redefining the problem, to smaller or bigger:
Work on only part of a problem, a subset, leaving something out. e.g. git's data model does not represent renames as first class constucts, enabling it to be disproportionately simpler.
Expand the problem, a superset, to integrate lower or higher level or associated parts that aren't usually included. Previously scattered commonalities may then appear, enabling decomposition.
One technique is redefining the problem, to smaller or bigger:
Work on only part of a problem, a subset, leaving something out. e.g. git's data model does not represent renames as first class constucts, enabling it to be disproportionately simpler.
Expand the problem, a superset, to integrate lower or higher level or associated parts that aren't usually included. Previously scattered commonalities may then appear, enabling decomposition.