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Entice, Entrench, Enshittify.

>Randomness introduces inefficiency

What does that even mean in this context? The amount of cases to be processed doesn't change regardless of the order, and the amount of time and attention directed toward each shouldn't either, otherwise you have a much bigger issue.

Using a benign example, imagine a day in traffic court, with cases distributed randomly.

According to the schedule, Officer A must be present at 8am, 930am, 1005am, 142pm, 315pm for their relevant cases.

Officer B must be present at 803am, 922am, etc through 4pm.

You've now got two officers effectively locked up for a full day.

Vs: Officer A cases, 8-12p Officer B cases, 1-4p

>Vs: Officer A cases, 8-12p Officer B cases, 1-4p

But that's not how it's currently done (at least I don't think and nobody in the comments or article is suggesting so), and escalation in severity doesn't have anything to do with officers or with how efficient you are with officer time.

But if the order stated by OP is accurate, they're not ordered by the officer who needs to show up, they're ordered by severity. Severity might correlate by officer, but probably won't.

Each court picks their ordering… one might go by severity

Another might, as a traffic court with pretty much a ton of the same citations, order for the witness’ schedule

Yeah, that's one of the primary characteristics I tend to use as well - as someone ages ago on some forum put it:

avatar-mediated action vs player-mediated action.

"playing different roles" is kind of nebulous, though - and especially historically, it doesn't really mesh with what has been considered an RPG. Depending on your strictness of definition, quite a bit more than "a few oddities" among the RPG classics would not fit this definition, on the other end it would encompass a ton of non-linear P&C/VN/Interactive fiction in general.

I know that the moniker has it's issues when taking it literally, but doing so too strictly makes the term almost meaningless when discussing genres. (..."even more meaningless", some may argue. ;) )

I agree that one should refrain from ever using "guarantee correctness" in context of type systems outside of Coq & co. But "extremely basic properties" is IMO similarly exaggerating in the other direction.

Take the "basic" property "cannot be null" for example - Considering the issues and costs the lack of that one incurred over the decades, I'd call that one damn interesting.

And Rust? C'mon, its affine type system is its biggest raison d'etre.

I think the headline is talking about you...:)

Historically, true, but nowadays it's pretty much standard for all the big OS.

Being able to get exclusive access/bypass the system via certain means (ASIO would be another) doesn't make it go away.

Others have already pointed out macOS/Linux, here's Windows:


>I really hate progress bars, they are incredibly distracting. One of the worst examples of front end programmers wasting their time reimplementing browser functions badly. I already have scroll bars! I do not need more scroll bars!

And the icing on the cake - as demonstrated in the quanta link - is the horizontal rendering in combination with a generous sticky wasting precious space I'd rather use for, well reading content.

Well, as long as Google doesn't do something similarly stupid (like, say, announcing discontinuation of their search and suite or whatever and that they will offer a great new Bing/O365 integration experience in a year), they will be fine.

Nokia did the „stupid” things only when their business was already collapsing due to Symbian, not the other way around.

Took them around 4 years from iPhone’s premiere to get to that point. And I remember people saying that Symbian’s user base is too big to fail even weeks before the WP announcements and later up until the burning rig memo.

Ditto Blackberry, although blackberry had a shorter history at that time.

We will never know how it would have played out (and yeah, there were no small amounts of stupid things beforehand), but the actual collapse was induced by pouring gasoline on the burning platform.

What else could they have done? Their Symbian efforts failed on every front, and their software engineering seemed broken to the core (looking at it from an outside engineer who tried building apps for Symbian, but also as a device user). It was a company that understood hardware/firmware like no other, but the software part was not there - kind of like car producers and their infotainment systems nowadays.

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