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Why not simply watch native Swedish content instead? There should be quite a lot globally available for free from SVT.

You can only watch Nordic government channels within the Nordic countries. Unless you get a VPN for it, I guess.

Related to this Applied Science on YouTube has a pretty cool video where he demonstrates how a single laser diode can be used to measure miniscule vibrations. I wonder if this would be sufficient for a laser microphone?


GNU/Systemd is pretty hilarious

Not necessarily, this assumes that it is possible to perfectly simulate physics on computers. It is not obvious that this is true. For one it assumes that physical interactions happen in discrete time steps (or at least be equivalent with a process that happens in discrete time steps). It also assumes that it is possible to perfectly scan the all the properties of some piece of matter (which we know is not possible)

I'm in Norway so I don't really know how it looks like from abroad, but I am pretty sure a lot of NRK content is available globally. Under the Vikingane show you listed it clearly says "available in Norway". However the first show on the homepage "Nytt på nytt-quiz" [1], a type of game-show, says that it is available globally. I am not sure there is a clear overview over what is available globally though like SVT has.

I think often fiction-type shows like Vikingane has complicated licensing as it is normally produced by some sort of third-party, but other programs like news and the mintioned gameshow is produced in-house and NRK has all the rights. There is a very nice page with an archive of old programs [2], I think most of this should be globally available.

I of course agree in general that geo-restrictions and localized distribution rights are stupid concepts.

[1]: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nytt-paa-nytt-quiz [2]: https://tv.nrk.no/programmer/nrk-arkivet

Thanks! Wasn't aware of the Archive link. Even so, it is hit and miss with what's available.

For example, the most popular show I've heard of, Skram[1], requires a login -- but Storst av alt (another I've heard of) does not.

[1] - https://tv.nrk.no/serie/skam/sesong/1

[2] - https://tv.nrk.no/serie/stoerst-av-alt

"Skam" is a bit different because even though it's produced by NRK it got so popular elsewhere that NRK is licensing it to other countries. So they aren't free to just dump it freely worldwide.

I see most replies here ar mentioning the the build integration is what is mainly missing in the public tools. I wonder if nix and nixpkgs could be used here? Nix is a language agnostic build-system and with nixpkgs it has a build instructions for a massive amount of packages. Artifacts for all packages are also available via hydra.

Nix should also have enough context so that for any project it can get the source code of all dependencies and (optionally) all build-time dependencies.

Build integration is not the main thing that is missing between Livegrep and Code Search. The main thing that is missing is the semantic index. Kythe knows the difference between this::fn(int) and this::fn(double) and that::fn(double) and so on. So you can find all the callers of the nullary constructor of some class, without false positives of the callers of the copy constructor or the move constructor. Livegrep simply doesn't have that ability at all. Livegrep is what it says it is on the box: grep.

The build system coherence provided by a monorepo with a single build system is what makes you understand this::fn(double) as a single thing. Otherwise, you will get N different mostly compatible but subtly different flavors of entities depending on the build flavor, combinations of versioned dependencies, and other things.

Sure. Also, if you eat a bunch of glass, you will get a stomach ache. I have no idea why anyone uses a polyrepo.

The problem with monorepos is that they're so great that everyone has a few.

God that is good.

Nix builds suck for development because there is no incrementality there. Any source file changes in any way, and your typical nix flake will rebuild the project from scratch. At best, you get to reuse builds of dependencies.

Yesterday I was configuring a usb to serial converter to communicate with a CNC controller (over RS232). However I was unable to transmit any data and so I brought the oscilloscope to see what was happening. I disconnected my converter and connected the oscilloscope and all the data was there and my oscilloscope had no problems decoding it with the same parameters i had used with my usb converter. Confused, I disconnected my scope and connected my converter back up again, but sill nothing. After a few times back an fourth I ended up connecting my scope up while the converter was still connected and crucially I also had a cat /dev/ttyUSB0 running and as expected the data was right there at the scope, but to my big surprise it was also there in my terminal! I then tried to disconnect my scope resulting in no more data being sent to my laptop.

The only explanation I could think of was a faulty ground connection. The scope was grounded through the wall socket same as the CNC and thus had the same ground potential. My laptop on the other hand was running on battery and only shared ground with the CNC through RS232 pin 5 (signal ground). However it seems this pin was not correctly connected on the CNC side and thus I was unable to transmit any data. Experimenting a bit I tried to connect ground to the connector shield instead and everything worked perfectly.

Yep, referencing signals vs ground is the big flaw in RS-232. That's why a lot of industrial machinery uses RS-422/RS-485 which is sent as a differential pair. 422 gives you the same serial interface, the same signaling, but with a better physical layer that lets you send the signal on much longer runs.

I’ve had a similar experience with WS8211 (or whatever they’re called) LEDs not being properly grounded to my arduino. They don’t seem to work if they’re not on the same ground plane as the controller. So if I power the LEDs from a different power source (larger current than the arduino can handle) I have to make sure they’re grounded together.

Took me a long time to figure that one out haha

That sounds like the laptop USB ground was not connected to the battery reference (and logic) ground. That's probably intentional but seems like it might cause problems with other USB uses from that laptop as well. I am assuming when power is plugged in the power ground is connected to the USB output ground, but I could be wrong there.

I have used my laptop on battery, with a USB-to-RS232 adapter, to control a telescope remotely and it worked fine IIRC.

It seems like they are using [1] Wish [2], a library for "SSH apps"

[1]: https://git.sr.ht/~erock/prose.sh/tree/main/item/cmd/ssh/mai... [2]: https://github.com/charmbracelet/wish

I didn’t know this was open source! Thanks.

That looks pretty impressive, but I am quite skeptical of the fact that this craft uses ion propulsion for any significant proton of its thrust. A reddit user [1] suggests that it uses ducted fans which I am way more inclined to believe. The very high pitched noise is typical of a high velocity propeller blowing high velocity air. Which seems wildly incompatible with those large grids where one would expect relatively low velocity air with very little noise. There are also four very suspicious tubes running along the body of the craft.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/o6h1bc/comment/...

I would recommend people who are looking for not only printers, but most kinds of equipment (except for cases where new stuff is unambiguously better than old stuff, but this is rare) to buy used professional/industrial hardware instead of new consumer equipment. And if this is difficult try to look for old consumer hardware still in good shape. These are often of much better quality and also it is much less wasteful to something used than new.

Professional equipment is usually in another league than consumer stuff when it comes to quality and reliability and also usually has very low resale value so you can get it for quite cheap. Personally I just picked up an old Sharp color laser printer for about 90$. This is a great machine that prints 2 sided A3 (very hard to find for laser printers) and with toners that should last about 10000 pages which is way better than anything you can buy as a consumer. The only backside is that it is quite big and heavy.

Old consumer equipment that is in good shape is often a good deal with the main reasoning being that something that has lasted for a long time has a higher probability of continuing to last a long time compared to something new where it is hard to say how long it will last.

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