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Was disappointed when I realized the author was not an actual doctor.

You were preparing the perfect comment while reading the article, only to learn at the end that the doctor is not real and your comment didn't make sense anymore. All that effort, wasted.

I was relieved.

I was both.

Do you remember what they were called?

I am interested in this as well. The regular media can be monotonous or driven by agendas. Would be great to find content created by folks paid to write unbiased, say it like it is.

Afaik that‘s what Stratfor does.


They provide a free weekly newsletter as well.

Probably a Bloomberg terminal.

Bloomberg terminal bundles a lot of mid tier analysts, but all the market leading analyst firms sell their copy for FAR more than what Bloomberg will pay.

The analysis industry is fascinating, you're essentially paying gobsmacking amounts of money to a single journalist to follow 1 stock.

Wrong how? Skewed R?

From memory, Romney was close to even to win.

If he knew they were going to kill him why did he let them visit?

A surprise visit it might have been..

> the signs of this type of person are pretty obvious in retrospect

What are the signs?

Nothing that isn't obvious. Maybe they aren't pleasant to be around. Maybe they actually drove customers and an employee away. Maybe they are condescending. Maybe they talk a lot and don't actually get work done.

In short, they're an asshole.

If you have a bad detector for these type of things (like I did) ask your friends. Every single one them knew before I did.

Why not just name the paper :)

> some other N. American immigration hypotheses (eg, that pleistocene peoples could make boats)].

Why were they so opposed to this? You can't leave us hanging...

EDIT: ok and why is this at -1??

There was a debate back in the 80s/90s about how the "beringia standstill population" got into the Americas south of the ice walls. It became a bit of a pressing issue once Monte Verde was accepted as unambiguous evidence of the pre-clovis hypothesis. There were basically two main, competing theories to explain it:

1) the "ice-free corridor" / inland route, where people simply walked from Alaska to the continental US/Canada and then on to South America and

2) the pacific coastal route, where people migrated along the coast. There's a variant of this involving boats, but they're practically the same in that they post-date the first boats by a huge margin and it only changes the chronology a little bit.

The ice-free corridor was the primary hypothesis for a bit because it matched the behavior of the Siberian populations they were descended from better, but it was basically defunct by the mid 00s because the timelines on plausible ice-free corridors were too late to explain Monte Verde. Since then, PCR has been the dominant theory for pre-clovis migrations and it just took undergrad textbooks awhile to catch up. I wouldn't be surprised if even lower level classes like AP World were still teaching the inland hypothesis.

The problem with that, as I understand it, is that the archaeological evidence for a coastal migration out of Beringia just isn't there?

That's why studies of the PCR have focused on more southernly areas, in particular the PNW and the Channel islands. If you want lots of details and citations, I'd recommend perusing the 40th anniversary review paper: https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2019.80

The problem with that problem is that all the evidence would be 300 feet underwater.

Nicely summarized.

In South Africa, Australia, South America, New Zealand, the 'native' (ie. non-European) peoples are granted near-mythical status, on the basis that they arrived tens of thousands of years before Europeans.

But if this kind of genetic evidence indicates that there were actually waves of migration, conquest and assimilation, that non-European migration waves were relatively recent, and that Europeans are just the most recent one, then the status of Europeans as 'bad guys' and everyone else as 'good guys' falls flat.

It doesn’t make sense to generalize across those (incredibly different) regions and also your generalization is just wrong.

I was about to ask the same question about the hypothesis.

Offtopic: sometimes HN audience gives weird scores. Don't take it personally (but it's kind of part of the etiquette not to explicitly discuss the scoring since it's never directly related to the topic of the discussion).

Fake story -- that's way too fast.

You're correct, he actually overdosed roughly a year after his first use of heroin, not a month like I remembered:

>I overdosed on a combination of (mostly) fentanyl, plus I had a lot of diphenhydramine, pregabalin, temezepam, and maybe some lingering oxymorphone in my system. I stopped breathing with several fentanyl patches in my mouth (they were previously used and I thought they had much less left in them) partially blocking my airway and would have been dead dead if I was found 10 minutes later according to EMS. It took multiple shots of Narcan to revive me.


So calling someone R*** is not allowed but calling them shit-for-brains is, though the intended meaning is pretty much the same.

I think it's more like if the name "amvalo" caught on as an insult, which meant someone had shit for brains. Both "amvalo" and "shit for brains" would then hold the same meaning, but only one of those terms would be a needless attack on amvalo.

Yeah it’s all about the 3rd party who gets insulted. I have one friend whose brother is disabled and he’s told me off for using it, which I get. Transgression is part of the appeal of curse words

I agree it’s rude but banning a discord of 50k people just for that is highly sus

That's funny when your username is dork which was a pejorative word not a long ago

Except that "retard" is using people with a genuine genetic disorder as a stick to hit other people with.

Saying that someone is being dense is not the same as using a disability as a pejorative.

> From what I understand, Parler was bankrolled and designed to do exactly what it was ultimately shutdown for. That is, be a concentrated anger-machine-echo-chamber. I'm not angry at the public corporations that have dropped Parler. I'm angry at the people that created Parler in the first place.

Where did you get this understanding? Seriously. My understanding was that the founders were mostly anti-trump libertarians.

> "My understanding was that the founders were mostly anti-trump libertarians."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parler says "Founder(s): John Matze, Jr., Jared Thomson, Rebekah Mercer" and "conservative political commentator Dan Bongino has said he is an owner."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebekah_Mercer#Donald_Trump says she supports Trump. eg, "Mercer aimed her support at GOP candidate Donald Trump in June 2016 after Cruz lost the primary. Mercer directs the Mercer Family Foundation and served on the Executive Committee of the transition team of United States President-elect Donald Trump"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Bongino says "He is a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump"

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