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There is a subreddit called /r/MuseumOfReddit that is "dedicated to cataloguing the posts and comments that will go down in reddit history."

One of the more chilling posts on there[1] is the account of a user who randomly tried Heroin one day, got addicted within 2 weeks, overdosed and was clinically dead within a month, got revived and admitted, came clean, then posted an update to his story 7 years later.

I would personally suggest trying meditation first before trying opioids to alter consciousness and feel euphoric.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/68srty/spon...

I'm reading Freud book "civilization and it's discontent" and he says that some people can experience what others experience with substances, only by yoga and meditation. I'm really curious cause I have only done "simple yoga" and simple meditation like just breathing exercises.

Fake story -- that's way too fast.

You're correct, he actually overdosed roughly a year after his first use of heroin, not a month like I remembered:

>I overdosed on a combination of (mostly) fentanyl, plus I had a lot of diphenhydramine, pregabalin, temezepam, and maybe some lingering oxymorphone in my system. I stopped breathing with several fentanyl patches in my mouth (they were previously used and I thought they had much less left in them) partially blocking my airway and would have been dead dead if I was found 10 minutes later according to EMS. It took multiple shots of Narcan to revive me.


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