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Exactly the kinds of subliminal charges that are making people cut the cord. Netflix and other streaming services are better bang for your buck anyways.

Thanks for the insight--bullet #4 is a one to focus on I think. Too often managers ask for updates or call status meetings, only detracting from the real work that needs to get done. This is especially painful if the manager doesn't understand the technical aspects of the work, and is less considerate because of it.

Would you mind sharing how much experience you have? It'd be helpful for targeting developers with differing levels of work experience

Thanks for the input! Would you mind sharing how much experience you have? I think it'll help me tailor the job listing a little better.

Would you mind sharing how much experience you have? I think it'll help me tailor the job listing a little better

I work mostly with Python since 2002, more or less, and with web applications primarily since 1995 (with one embedded C job, for the Brazilian electronic voting system). I used and would use again Python, Django, Flask, Twisted and Google App Engine. I like to use TDD and agile. I run from PMI-style projects, Java for web applications (it's fine on Android), PHP and would not be exceedingly happy with Node, but I find JS usable.

Thanks for the insight. We're looking at pricing options for our new SaaS tool, and we have come to similar conclusions. It's important to have a free version (and not just a trial) so you establish a solid user base, but to make sure that there's enough premium content/features worth paying for down the line. Another focus could be enterprise-sales, where free accounts generate some attention but focus on enterprise-sales generate the revenue.

Looks like Google took it down? I'm not seeing Hillary when I search this.

These estimates seem a bit exaggerated at this point. SSD is still lagging in terms of capacity, and in my household we only have a handful of devices using SSD. While it's become more widely-adopted for sure, HDD's are not "doomed" until SSD capacity goes up and prices plummet. Still too expensive for an SSD.

Totally agree! Branding has been their strong suit. Everything from their website to their Facebook page has style and personality.

Possibly the worst tool I've seen come out of Apple has been their Maps app. Useless and constantly malfunctioning, but hey, at least it's pretty. Can't even delete the app from your device!

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