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Ask HN: To developers, what makes an effective manager?
2 points by adibchoudhury on July 7, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Wondering what developers look for in a manager, preferably experiences from your own work life.

A good manager is one who:

  - makes sure we know what it is that needs to be done
  - makes sure we have what we need to do it
  - runs interference so we're not bothered by outsiders
  - gets the hell out of the way
  - is not a methodology maniac

An excellent list, to which I'd add:

- gives their team members honest, ongoing feedback about how they're performing their jobs (there should be no surprises at the annual review)

- fights to get their team members the recognition they deserve, e.g., promotions, raises, bonuses, etc.

- hires good people for their team

- is not afraid to deal with thorny "HR" type issues, like stopping bullying, harassment, etc. (and, if necessary, firing repeat offenders)

Thanks for the insight--bullet #4 is a one to focus on I think. Too often managers ask for updates or call status meetings, only detracting from the real work that needs to get done. This is especially painful if the manager doesn't understand the technical aspects of the work, and is less considerate because of it.

In my experience, a manager who treats their job as if they're accountable to both the client (or business interest) and their team is best.

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