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But this does not have to be the case. For example, the Amish in PA & NY get great prices on their healthcare from major hospitals, because their communities ban together and negotiate lower prices.

Should we gauge our actions and the actions of our leaders in the context of history? In the context of the times they were in?

Although I am a liberal, sometimes I fear that we are applying today's standards to yesterday's ethics and morals, which were admittedly flawed. I am not advocating that we forget and forgive the wrongs of the past - heck no! All I wonder is whether there is a better of way of teaching about our past than toppling statues and removing passages from our history. How about adding a conspicuous plaque that provides more information about a statue, a relic or an insignia?

In our podcast, we had professor of climate law (he is JD/PhD) talk to us about climate change. One of the irrefutable signs of climate change is that our weather is getting hotter... more record-setting years than the past. Yet, this alarming evidence doesn't concern most conservatives, who simply refuse to accept the science. Aren't they afraid of what's going to happen to us humans?

I thought we went from global warming (hotter) to climate change (not hotter everywhere).

And based on what I’ve read, we’re WAY past fixing this problem. Even if CO2 emissions went to zero tomorrow, the earth will continue to warm and make vast swathes uninhabitable.

> Even if CO2 emissions went to zero tomorrow, the earth will continue to warm and make vast swathes uninhabitable.

This is really not true:


> Even if all emissions were to stop today, the Earth’s average surface temperature would climb another 0.6 degrees or so over the next several decades before temperatures stopped rising.

Limiting additional temperature increase to 0.6C would be a huge win. We are a WAY past not having to adapt to major changes in climate.

We're certainly not way past preventing the most catastrophic outcomes.

Unfortunately, there's absolutely zero evidence that we'll actually do anything meaningful about our CO2 emissions, so IMO we're most definitely screwed.

I think it's infinitely more likely that a nation like China will unilaterally engage in geoengineering (e.g. depositing particulates in the troposphere) than we are to actually collectively curb our CO2 emissions.

You're right. Nuclear has come a long way... it's safer and can provide more power.

He is smart. Unlike Musk, he is buying Bitcoin when it's down.

Musk receives billions of dollars in government handouts. Tesla and Space X could not exist without the government pouring our tax dollars on them. I don’t think it’s too far of a leap to suggest Musk’s role in destabilizing BTC came at the request of his patrons in the government.

Or he’s just incredibly stupid. Maybe a bit if both.

That does seem like too far of a leap, unless you have some strong evidence to support it. Did the government ask him to tweet about Gamestop, too?

So you think he’s just incredibly stupid? I would believe that but he does have billions of dollars of incentives to do the bidding of the US gov.

I could also see him tweeting GameStop as an anti crypto move. He basically has done nothing but inject fraud and FUD into the “internet investing” space that Bitcoin is a huge part of. How many people sold BTC to buy GME or otherwise shifted money there away from crypto?

*Looks like someone may have bought into the hype at just the wrong time*

Well Musk both created the hype and bought into it at the wrong time, definitely worth taking a look at his motives for making such an aggressively destructive move.

If you’re suggesting I bought in at the wrong time, I didn’t. I would never listen to Elon Musk.

You're right. I decided to move on... I agree. Thanks. But I don't get your comment about "yours is not". You mean is not necessarily a $1, right?

Yes. not necessarily. Once you are able to observe active users, have paying users or even sizeable traffic to test conversions.

You can experiment to find out what that "right" or "best converting" price point would be.

"Free to start" may very well end up being the answer. Here are 2 examples one from pubilshing and one about starting with a price and using data to uncover insights about the "right" price. You will see the 30 cents is not the biggest problem you are going to have in pricing. :-)

- https://www.priceintelligently.com/blog/new-york-times-prici...

- https://www.priceintelligently.com/blog/netflix-pricing-stra...

Thanks. Any suggestions?

I sent am email to Stripe support... let's see where that goes. Thanks for flagging out micropayments platform. I told them about that too.


Thank you so much. I will look into this. Seriously though, all these little things shrink the real time I have left to do the real work for my project. Thanks.

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