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I thought we went from global warming (hotter) to climate change (not hotter everywhere).

And based on what I’ve read, we’re WAY past fixing this problem. Even if CO2 emissions went to zero tomorrow, the earth will continue to warm and make vast swathes uninhabitable.

> Even if CO2 emissions went to zero tomorrow, the earth will continue to warm and make vast swathes uninhabitable.

This is really not true:


> Even if all emissions were to stop today, the Earth’s average surface temperature would climb another 0.6 degrees or so over the next several decades before temperatures stopped rising.

Limiting additional temperature increase to 0.6C would be a huge win. We are a WAY past not having to adapt to major changes in climate.

We're certainly not way past preventing the most catastrophic outcomes.

Unfortunately, there's absolutely zero evidence that we'll actually do anything meaningful about our CO2 emissions, so IMO we're most definitely screwed.

I think it's infinitely more likely that a nation like China will unilaterally engage in geoengineering (e.g. depositing particulates in the troposphere) than we are to actually collectively curb our CO2 emissions.

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