- something simple like ufw where you can get a good, safe base set of firewall rules without having to be an expert. Or at least a clear set of pf rules people can use for web servers etc, like the default/base rules for ufw.
- Docker support. I understand why people don't like it, but it's just a reality now that people need to use.
This is on our roadmap, yes. We focused on node first because we thought that was missing (you can always spin up a devserver for component), but we'd like to introduce a browser cell which would allow you to add HTMl / JSX components.
Can you say a little more about the concrete use case you have? It helps us prioritize
It would be nice to do little interactive examples, and React/MDX seems to be the easiest way to do this. I have have a similar thing wired up with https://grammar.lingdocs.com that allows for interactive components with MDX in a textbook format.
There was a great episode of Type Theory for All with Conal Elliot as a guest where he decried MITs decision to switch to teaching Python instead of Scheme for introductory programming. He makes a very good case for how CS education should be aiming to pursue the greatest truths and not just equipping people with whatever employers want.
In "An Introduction to Mathematics", by A. N. Whitehead, he makes a wonderful argument for the "usefulness" of pure math. With many fascinating examples like this he describes how when people work to solve purely mathematical problems without any "real-world application," they actually end up having incredibly useful applications in real life situations down the road. But where people are limited only to seemingly useful, "practical" math problems, they don't end up making the progress that brings great practical advances in the end.
I just finished G. H. Hardy's celebrated "A Mathematician's Apology". He describes "useful" math such as calculus as "on the whole, rather dull", and contrasts it with the "real" math of Euler, Fermat, and Gauss, which he finds "almost wholly 'useless'"; he adds that the great achievements of applied math--relativity and quantum mechanics--are "almost as useless as number theory".
He was prudent to add "at present [1940], at any rate": the phone on which I am typing wouldn't work at all without number theory, relativity, and quantum mechanics!
I have a vague sense that mathematicians take some pride in the uselessness of their discipline, even when it's the exact opposite of useless. Maybe because the more useless the mathematics appears to be, the more it must be motivated by the pure love of the subject?
With regard to the "pride in uselessness" thing, I caution you against generalizing here. Different people get into math for different reasons, but I would say that all the pure mathematicians I know of are motivated principally by interest in the problems they care about, and don't think too much about questions of purity.
There's a nice quote from Courant in his "Introduction to Calculus & Analysis" where he warns against "smug purism", exhorting students to draw inspiration and insight from other fields because it will make them better mathematicians. I think this is the attitude that I encounter most frequently among mature, pure mathematicians.
Chebyshev in particular was known not only for working on problems that had engineering applications, but for using methods and techniques from engineering to inform his approach to pure math problems. As the founder of the St. Petersburg school of mathematics, this approach had broad impacts on (later) Soviet mathematics and global mathematics as students brought up in this tradition went on to train later generations of mathematicians around the world.
I've also wondered this. I have single page client-rendered web apps that get crawled and indexed by Google just fine. The only problem I've run into is when sharing a link on something like WhatsApp, their crawlers don't get the OpenGraph metadata that gets rendered based on the page/link, so the share preview isn't as nice.
"Waking up... To keep Glitch projects fast for everyone inactive projects go to sleep and wake up on request."
Ok so this website appears to be hosted by microservice. "to keep ... fast for everyone." Is anyone else bothered by this line that we're conditioned to accept that microservices are always faster? In my experience, even without the cold starts, they are often slower than traditional VPS hosted apps.
Well then there's scalability... But looks like this still got the hug of death.
It's saying that to keep it fast for everyone, it will remove resources from you when you are not using them.
It's not really about microservices, and it's not implying they are fast. You could have this message about any kind of resource, it only means the service is trying to keep it cheap.
He's the CEO of the company that provides the microservice. I assume he has some reason for not paying the upgrade price to make it always-on. Glitch is hosting + a development community.
Thanks for mentioning this, the reason was.... I was messing around with my site. Hah! But should be okay now, apologies for tinkering while not knowing everyone was going to come by to visit.
But I do assume they mean scalability as far as the content service goes.
The term microservice is a bit of a vague general term that just means "we thought about scalability" to me. It doesn't mean anything more than that to me without discussing it in detail.
I think the idea of a server being overloaded at the moment there's something positive like high demand is something deeply ingrained in folks psyche. Accordingly it gets brought up on every sales call (once we're talking to the technical folks) and executives love to say "micro services".
> you have to deep-dive into different frameworks, different tools that all do the same thing
You can also just choose one language/tool/framework and do _everything_ in it. I know this might get snubbed, but you can do almost anything these days with TypeScript. It can be as typed or dynamic as you want it (well sort of), plays well with UI/web/react, server with node, has pretty good performance these days, and you can even easily run CLI scripts with tsx. `#!/usr/bin/env tsx` (https://github.com/privatenumber/tsx)