Sadly I too found it was screwed a few days ago when trying to pull some source code hosted there (ironically so I would have my own copy in case things went wrong there...). I just got their 'Disaster Recovery Mode' notice and a subset of binary packages available.
Lots of google searching for what's wrong with Sourceforge revealed nothing (other than complaints about their packaged installers/crapware). Now I have the answer to the question I was really asking.
I just need to wait and see if the developers of the packages I need will somehow migrate to github so I can get the source...
Lots of google searching for what's wrong with Sourceforge revealed nothing (other than complaints about their packaged installers/crapware). Now I have the answer to the question I was really asking.
I just need to wait and see if the developers of the packages I need will somehow migrate to github so I can get the source...