(a) "Proof of security" is a term of art that doesn't mean what it sounds like. In cryptography, you "prove" specific things about an algorithm, often in the context of a "game" with one or more adversaries. You need to know more than that an algorithm has a proof; you also need to know which proofs those are, and how they apply to your application.
(b) Proofs generally apply to algorithms and low-level constructions. Once you start composing proven primitives into whole cryptosystems, typically, all bets are off. Proofs of entire protocols are an active research area.
(c) A proof will almost always apply to the abstract, mathematical notion of an algorithm or construction, not to the code that might implement it.
I apologize in advance at how little this has to do with the actual resource linked here; I'm just sort of predicting what the thread on HN, if any, would look like.
Good points. Far as code proofs, I think you should look at Microsoft's VerveOS (safety not security), seL4 (security), Astree, and the SPARK-based security projects. They all prove aspects of the code itself. The old A1 projects also typically mapped a low-level spec to code with many things at or near a 1-to-1 mapping. Very low risk of a misrepresentation or abstraction gap attack when done that way.
I still always encourage them to combine their efforts with thorough testing, code inspections, static analysis, and careful source-to-object code validation. Most of that is even required in the high assurance standards. Takes a lot more than proofs, code reviews, or tests in isolation to begin to make a strong security argument. As you know, it's so labor intensive and requires such specialist skills that almost all commercial and FOSS projects skip steps to get running code out the door. That's why penetrate and patch will always be the norm with highly secure systems always several versions worth of features behind mainstream. If they have them at all...
Regarding (c), if your program is written say Agda[1], the code can come with a proof that it has the mathematical properties you want. Or rather, your implementation might simply be the proof.
I'd guess that (c) refers to the fact that implementation details can expose the algorithm too, e.g. side-channel attacks, leaking timing info, and so on... Things like constant-time comparisons are not generally part of the consideration of the algorithms and proofs (imho).
This is what's known as "searching under the lamppost". Mathematicians would sometimes seek to prove only that which they suspect would be rather easy to prove, so they construct the problem in such a way that the perceived difficulty is exactly that which is easily provable, thereby solving the problem. They then shove everything else (that is hard to prove) under their assumptions (which are sometimes very well-hidden), and say the problem is now mathematically solved!
Figuring out whether the research is applicable in practice then becomes a game not of validating the proof, but of uncovering all the assumptions.
I see it in the PL community, too, where, rather than starting by analyzing where software bugs actually lie and how expensive each kind of bug turns out to be, and then see how most expensive bugs can be prevented, they start with a programming model which is very easy to prove, construct programs that are easily expressed by the model, and then claim they've found a provably bug-free way to program.
The question of how many real-world programs can be easily transformed into the model, at what costs, and whether it is the expensive bugs that are actually prevented by the proof or rather the trivial ones is left as an exercise to the reader.
Of course, I don't blame them. If you don't start with what you strongly suspect you'll be able to prove, you might not get any publishable results at all.
Your description sounds like intent, but it's important to keep in mind there is a selection force here.
Ten earnest mathematicians try. 9 fail. The tenth structures the problem in such a way that the solution is meaningless but not obviously so-- his work gets published. But he doesn't know and certantly never intended to produce a meaningless proof.
When useful proofs are harder to construct than difficult to detect as not useful trivial proofs, we should expect lots of the latter, even just by chance.
Right. It's not a conspiracy -- it's just what happens :)
Also, I don't think that such work is meaningless in any way. Any discovery in math is meaningful in itself. It just isn't as applicable in real life as advertised (or the application is much more difficult than advertised).
It's better to read the papers where they attempt provable security and then those published years later reviewing that work or those methods. Certain methods worked well, some failed over time, and so on. The lessons learned and looking back papers are where I find the most wisdom in this field. Naturally.
The papers on Orange Book-era B3 and A1 class systems along with the Common Criteria EAL6/EAL7 works taught me the most. They all required a clear, security policy and a strong argument the design/implementation embody it. The systems are modular, layered, internally simple, use structured programming style, use safer subsets of programming languages, often are state-machines, account for failure modes for everything, and trace each potential execution flow of the system. They also add, where possible, static analysis and covert channel analysis. Some did formal proofs but the above gets you 90-99% of the way.
So, the idea is that you design the system or algorithm in such a way that you can easily demonstrate it has certain properties. It was hard work. However, LOCK project even with proofs only cost around 30-40% extra on top of solid, development process. Another lesson is the specs, implementation, and proofs/arguments should always evolve side-by-side with plenty of communication between team members. This spots problems early. Analysis of various phases showed above methods caught all kinds of reliability and security flaws in actual systems with many doing excellent during years of pentesting. Proof themselves, on other hand, should only be used if the property is easy to model mathematically. Otherwise, you use a lot of effort with little gained. Final lesson came from TCB concept: focus all your provable security on mechanisms that are flexible and simple so the cost is spread over all projects benefiting from it. Security & separation kernels did this to a degree but I think CompCert compiler is best, modern example of ROI on high-assurance development.
Most of the best papers are behind paywalls, unfortunately. I do have a small sampling on-hand from there and now that illustrate some of the high-assurance methods.
Modern effort (seL4) to exceed EAL7 by bringing verification to code itself. Note that some A1 projects had close to 1-to-1 spec to implementation mapping. So, full formal might be replaced by low-level, verified specs and matching code verified by inspection, etc.
Previous work proved kernels supported MLS or MILS models. This is better given it's proving a hardware mechanism both enforces a security requirement and meets functional requirements. Significant given SAFE (see crash-safe.org) makes inherently secure apps easier to write.
Proving security properties of a web browser. Typically, you know the work is legit if it spends time talking about the flaws formal verification caught. I don't see so much of that in this but they might have omitted that to publish what worked instead.
My framework compliments that and reminds that it must be applied to every layer down to the gates.
So, although my sharing is limited by paywalls, I hope you find these interesting and can see the different perspectives of highly assured security. There have been numerous successes in independent testing, pen-testing, and field use. Also remember that this is only provable security rather than verification of properties in general. The field of verification and correctness assurance has progressed quite a bit (see CompCert, SPARK, Esterel, etc). Have fun.
Very interesting reading. The whole notion of the AAMP7G processor is fascinating. Made solely for government in tiny quantities, in tightly controlled facilities, probably rad hard, resistant to power analysis, etc.
Fine to learn for personal use but other stuff is better if you're job hunting. If you want to learn, then skip Esterel (big $$$) to learn Ada with AdaCore's free GNAT IDE. Helps to understand why it does certain things (eg foundations). Get that here:
AdaCore's "Gems" and other resources will help you plenty. SPARK is a variant of Ada designed to be easy to analyze with mathematical techniques with goal of automatically proving absence of certain bugs in over 95% of code. The article below has links to many resources and demonstrations. Tokeneer further demo's Praxis's Correct by Construction process, which is also cool.
I'll end with a few other goodies. Adam Chlipala does great work in teaching and making formal methods lightweight. His book below describes such methods. More links in comments.
Sandia's Secure Processor (SSP), also called Score, utilizes a highly assured design and implementation that results in a Java processor immune to obvious code injection techniques or radiation-related issues. Their SEED architecture is really nice. Modern stuff is paywalled but this old paper tells plenty. Thing it leaves out, IIRC, is they use an ML-based hardware model to do equivalence checking between executable specification, hardware spec (in ML), and actual hardware HDL. Already in ASIC's on rad-hard processes. Availability of ASSET tools or SSP/Score unknown.
Very interesting. How does one get comfortable relying on cryptography that uses a method which lacks provable security? Simulating proof based on actual use?
1. Are proofs effective at judging the security of a protocol? For example many proofs rely on the random oracle model, yet the random oracle model is problematic. How can we construct convincing proofs?
2. Are there better measures of security? For example crypto-contests in which people try to break other peoples algorithms. Very little systems security relies on proofs (systems security is also almost always the weakest link).
My personal belief is:
2=maybe and it is worth it to develop alternative methods since they can be used in tandem with proofs.
What's an example of a protocol that has been well-served by formal methods prior to 2015?
Contests have fared well at selecting algorithms, but (prepared to be smacked back for this), ad hoc methods have done OK with algorithms as well --- you might say MD5 is an exception, but MD5 didn't have much competition when it was "selected". You might also say RC4, but RC4's history is very complicated.
Not sure what you mean by "well-served"? In terms of design, I've seen attempts at proofs discover attacks that likely would not have been otherwise found during development. In that case the proof served the designers in building a more secure protocol. Some of the early kerberos work could have benefited from making the designers prove or at very least justify their claims (say the use of xor fan-folding as a one-way function).
Does a proof increase your confidence in an algorithm? As someone that worked on MD6's proof of differential resistance it certainly increased my confidence in the protocols ability to resist certain types of attack.
By ad-hoc do you mean people selecting algorithms without a contest? If so I would counter with the following incomplete list of broken ad-hoc standards: DTD-1, FEAL, WEP, A5/1, A5/2, KASUMI, GOST 28147-89, Cryptomeria cipher, CCS, SHA-0.
The crypto that has held up, has generally held up and most of the other ones that haven't we don't use, so we may be biased toward remembering good ad-hoc crypto and forgetting the bad.
People have used formal methods to find flaws in protocols, but I'm unaware of a protocol that is assured formally in any meaningful way. Certainly not TLS or IPSEC. I guess I'm asking, is there a protocol you feel more comfortable working with due to formal assurance?
I tend to see Menezes and Koblitz as having three different arguments against the common focus on provable security. In roughly increasing order of importance.
1) "Provable security" is a misleading term. Those well versed in the field understand that it is a computational proof of a mathematical object, not in anyway a statement of the practical security of an algorithm when implemented in computer code. However, many people misunderstand this to mean "unbreakable" or "perfect". Menezes and Koblitz see it as too frequently acting as a marketing gimmick, something that allows vendors trying to sell security software to say "it's based on provably secure algorithms" without anyone understanding what that means. To them, the misleading quality of the term outweighs its value. I generally disagree with them on this point, not because the point isn't well taken, but because it is far too common for phrases from academic discourse to be misunderstood outside the specific field (e.g., teleportation in quantum mechanics) for such a semantic argument to carry any weight with the specific case of provable security.
(2) Provable security proofs have frequent gaps/the authors do not recognize important assumptions they are operating under. Their "Another look..." papers focus on these cases, and it is somewhat widespread. Most of the concerns tend to be completely academic, and don't open any practical attack vectors, however their point tends to be that computational proofs are dependent on assumptions that allow a positive proof of a negative, and if the methods of the proofs sufficiently obfuscate those assumptions to where their practitioners frequently miss them, it calls the validity of the arguments into suspect. The best example of this is probably their discussion in the original 'Another look at "provable security"' article linked to on the right of the proof of Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP, required since textbook RSA and other asymmetric encryption algorithms leak information about the plaintext, in RSA's case, the Jacobi symbol). It's hard to argue with their evidence, and their work has definitely led to a much more critical eye of the proof justifications and assumption discussions given in newer articles.
(3) "Provable security" misses the point. To Menezes and Koblitz, the goals of cryptography mean it shouldn't be treated as a discipline of mathematics, and while academic cryptographers chase the abstract goal of provable security and debate the philosophical strengths of computational vs. information theoretic arguments, "real-world" cryptographers, including those working for the intelligence establishments, focus on useful goals like efficiency and ease of implementation in software and hardware. To them, building cryptosystems using primitives with strong heuristic arguments for their security which are easy to implement is far more beneficial for security than the most perfectly crafted mathematical algorithm will be. In addition, although the academic field of cryptography can easily adapt to any new result which challenges basic assumptions (say, a result attacking the hardness of the DLP or factoring), all the systems relying on those assumptions in practice will be broken or greatly damaged, so holding those assumptions as central to total security is problematic. As someone particularly interested in how cryptographic systems delegate and understand trust, this argument carries a lot of weight with me, and is part of the reason that although I consider having a solid understanding of the theory and practice of provable security to be a necessary piece to greater understanding of the field, my short and longer term interests in cryptography are focusing around secondary qualities cryptosystems and their primitives.
(a) "Proof of security" is a term of art that doesn't mean what it sounds like. In cryptography, you "prove" specific things about an algorithm, often in the context of a "game" with one or more adversaries. You need to know more than that an algorithm has a proof; you also need to know which proofs those are, and how they apply to your application.
(b) Proofs generally apply to algorithms and low-level constructions. Once you start composing proven primitives into whole cryptosystems, typically, all bets are off. Proofs of entire protocols are an active research area.
(c) A proof will almost always apply to the abstract, mathematical notion of an algorithm or construction, not to the code that might implement it.
I apologize in advance at how little this has to do with the actual resource linked here; I'm just sort of predicting what the thread on HN, if any, would look like.