> Does anyone actually enjoy this "experience" where you have to wade through a maze of obnoxious pictures and logic puzzles and shit?
Yes. I thought it was beautifully presented and nicely paced, and well worth my time.
Also: a single "Continue" button at the bottom of each page is "logic puzzles and shit"? Three tiny logos hidden in the title bar are "social media faggotry"? Seriously?
According to my internet experience:
1) scroll down - failure, maybe my scroll isn't strong enough to get past some weird header frame thing
2) space bar - failure, maybe it's a side to side thing
3) scroll right - failure
4) scroll left - go back a page, reload
5) look at bottom of page for navigation down - failure, only outside links
6) look to right - failure, no generic slideshow next button
7) scan top of page - immediately censor out what I assume is the menagerie of facespace, tweeter, clinked-in, youporn share links
The initial "READ ARTICLE" button is a tiny link, next to links you generally assume to be worthless, in the wrong part of the page. Yeah, I consider that a logic puzzle, not daunting, but yes.
And yes, any link to "please share me on the facespace and validate me with some twits" comes off as obnoxious begging.
Yes. I thought it was beautifully presented and nicely paced, and well worth my time.
Also: a single "Continue" button at the bottom of each page is "logic puzzles and shit"? Three tiny logos hidden in the title bar are "social media faggotry"? Seriously?