Top comment from that gizmodo article: "Reddit is legitimately full of the most self important toxic people ever. It’s also home to a huge variety of all manners of genius and hilarity."
I will miss it. As an Old Person™, reddit was the closest the modern Internet has come to replicating the heyday of Usenet in the 80s/90s. But because it's controlled by a single corporation instead of federating among all internet service providers, it succumbed to the corruption of the pursuit of captial. RIP.
Eternal september; lack of moderation combined with massive trolling / spam / sporge / hipcrime flooding, etc; ISPs stopped offering Usenet access as part of their packages; to most users it's baffling in comparison to something like Imgur or Reddit.
I will miss it. As an Old Person™, reddit was the closest the modern Internet has come to replicating the heyday of Usenet in the 80s/90s. But because it's controlled by a single corporation instead of federating among all internet service providers, it succumbed to the corruption of the pursuit of captial. RIP.