People caring to much about bullshit like ethics in game journalism are missing the forest for the trees.
Pleasing special interest groups in a massively diverse community isn't possible, that's why democracy is typically favored over this bullypulpit nonsense.
but seriously, it was my snarky way of saying that:
1)Creating a system level heuristic to deal with types of problems is a more transparent, consistent and efficient way forward than simply tackling problems as they come up arbitrarily.
2)I am sick of this boys vs. girls/pc/whatever tropic bullshit, and the failure to enact a codified set of principals within reddit has allowed for groups with opposing views to discretely exert influence against one another. This murky climate lead to all sides entrenching and leveraging the influence they had acquired.
>content has been sliding
>doxxing has gone up
>several of the largest sections of the site are literally closed down
>community is faltering
>no side wants to compromise
tl;dr Flame wars are why this happened. Gaming is one of the stupid tropes that lead to this. I got #triggered.
Hey I think GG is pathetic, for a lot of reasons. But my previous job was at a games media company (and I'm still involved with them), and the stuff that goes on in games media is horribly incestuous.
I mean yeah, bigger fish to fry and all that, but it's still a problem for a lot of people - other problems existing doesn't change that. I'm sure "we" could fix the bigger issue at large but who's "we"? Who's working on that, and why does it invalidate incestuous and unpublished conflicts of interest?
Pleasing special interest groups in a massively diverse community isn't possible, that's why democracy is typically favored over this bullypulpit nonsense.