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> That is really disappointing. Particularly for firefox with their supposed focus on privacy, to enable a service that leaks ip when I run a vpn, contradicting the plain intention of the user, shocks me.

Firefox doesn't necessarily know that you're using a VPN, so it's not really contradicting "plain intention". The problem is the way that WebRTC works; it has to have access to this information in order to function.

The real issue is that there should be a prompt guarding this information, the way there is when a website requests your location. Hopefully this can be fixed.

Also, for what it's worth, Firefox lets you disable this, but I don't think Chrome/Chromium let you disable it at all: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/gJ8HF-...

ff doesn't know I'm not using a vpn, so they shouldn't add features that leak ip addresses

and a setting buried in a pile of configuration is the same as it not existing for 99.99% of users

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