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Runs great? It's hard capped at 30 FPS as far as I understand, and higher quality textures/effects were intentionally removed from the console versions.

Not everyone is used to the difference in appearance, but that's hardly what most people would call "great" for a $60 AAA title.

Especially when you have 'ports' like GTA V, which in reality was a different version of the game for PC, which ran like a dream.

The 'price' you had to pay for that was waiting 6 month from the console version came out before getting the PC port.

It was over 12 months I'm pretty sure. And it was absolutely worth it. I already owned the game on Xbox 360, and was more than happy to buy the PC version.

It was just under 2 years.

    PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
    17 September 2013

    PlayStation 4, Xbox One
    18 November 2014

    Microsoft Windows
    14 April 2015

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