> So only people with meaningful things to say or build should get noticed and hired?
...based on writing essays.
There are other ways to get noticed and hired. And, writing essays that reveal that you have nothing meaningful to say probably isn't a valuable use of time to get noticed and hired (if you are trying to get noticed and hired for a tech job, taking the same time to increase your portfolio of open source contributions you can point to is probably more valuable.)
> > So only people with meaningful things to say or build should get noticed and hired?
> ...based on writing essays.
> There are other ways to get noticed and hired.
Whenever hiring discussions come up, the three ways put forward to "get noticed" are personal blog, Github projects, and meetup attendance. None of those avenues work unless you have something meaningful to say or build outside of your day job. Having something meaningful to say or build in your day job seems to be deprecated in this market, because liars.
...based on writing essays.
There are other ways to get noticed and hired. And, writing essays that reveal that you have nothing meaningful to say probably isn't a valuable use of time to get noticed and hired (if you are trying to get noticed and hired for a tech job, taking the same time to increase your portfolio of open source contributions you can point to is probably more valuable.)