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Unicorns (stratechery.com)
55 points by Rifu on June 17, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Everybody who reads HN should pay Ben Thompson $10/mo for his Daily Update (this is the once-a-week public version). The man's writing has unequivocally had a major impact on my ability to think about technology, and is the only email I read before coffee in the morning.

> It turns out winner-take-all doesn’t apply just to [...]

I'd like to see someone knowledgeable look at Vilfredo Pareto's 80-20 ratio and do a modern update.

Did anyone do it sort of recently?

This was a tough read. I find it hard to read through stuff just throwing quotes, graphs and all into a big mess. Seems like the consistency just takes a dive.

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