Standard font:
A. Limited License. Subject to the terms of this License, you may use the Apple Font solely for designing or developing applications for Apple-branded products running on Apple’s iOS or OS X operating systems, as applicable.
Compact font:
A. Limited License. Subject to the terms of this License, you may use the Apple Font solely for purposes of design and development of applications for Apple Watch.
They also include additional clauses requiring Developer Program membership and Apple-branded hardware.
The lowercase letter strokes seem to end in non-right-angles a lot, which bothers me a bit.
Bonus picture of font rendering:
Most importantly, the restrictions on the fonts:
Standard font: A. Limited License. Subject to the terms of this License, you may use the Apple Font solely for designing or developing applications for Apple-branded products running on Apple’s iOS or OS X operating systems, as applicable.
Compact font: A. Limited License. Subject to the terms of this License, you may use the Apple Font solely for purposes of design and development of applications for Apple Watch.
They also include additional clauses requiring Developer Program membership and Apple-branded hardware.