When the social contract is not working for you, there is absolutely no reason to honor it.
The student loan system is a predatory system that practically forces young people into debt. The upside is not comparable: schools in the US are not That much better than any other developed country, and most of those countries provide an undergraduate education for free. Even Oxford and Cambridge, comparable to the top undergraduate education in the US, are only $14000 per year for UK students.
The terms are draconian, and practically enslave a student into indentured servitude. It is not hard to think that serves (as Chomsky calls it) a disciplinary measure to stop students from being too independent.
What I'd like to see is EVERY student in this country refuse to pay student loans. Just fucking refuse. Let the lenders collapse, it would serve them right for making predatory loans.
The student loan system is a predatory system that practically forces young people into debt. The upside is not comparable: schools in the US are not That much better than any other developed country, and most of those countries provide an undergraduate education for free. Even Oxford and Cambridge, comparable to the top undergraduate education in the US, are only $14000 per year for UK students.
The terms are draconian, and practically enslave a student into indentured servitude. It is not hard to think that serves (as Chomsky calls it) a disciplinary measure to stop students from being too independent.
What I'd like to see is EVERY student in this country refuse to pay student loans. Just fucking refuse. Let the lenders collapse, it would serve them right for making predatory loans.