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From the page you linked, the very first note. Click that link. Here it is:


The first line is very important: "Items sold by Amazon.com that are marked on the product page and at checkout."

Emphasis mine. As an example, I ordered a Logitech Mouse. The item was listed as Prime. It was shown in stock. It showed a guaranteed delivery date within 2 days in the item page. I simply ordered and didn't pay attention to anything else.

It showed up a week later. When I called, it was pointed out to me that the "guaranteed delivery date" that matters is NOT on the item page. It's on the checkout page and those emails they send you after you order. They were correct, the email I got said a week later ... of course, I didn't pay attention, because most things come in 2 days and the item page did say it'll come within 2 days time before I ordered.

Is that false advertising? Sure. I forgive them.

I've also ordered Prime items that were listed in stock and had a guaranteed delivery date on the item page, but then mysteriously went out of stock later and simply weren't shipped at all.

I order a lot. Maybe 2-3 items every week. This has happened only a few times. With the breadth of their operations, these hiccups are understandable. I did manage to get a few 10 dollar credits once in a while, but sometimes they just refuse to own up to it and tell you to get lost.

I think you are falling victim to an admittedly sub-par UI rather than false advertising. If they clearly indicated that an item was not 2-day eligible and you clicked through too fast to notice or somehow ended up on a non-Amazon seller, that's really not false advertising. I also order a ton, and have never had such an issue. (I have shipped items to the wrong address, however, since like you it can become a habit not to read the order checkout carefully.)

I've have the same issue as maratd where on the product page it has said:

* Prime

* "Want it $DayOfWeek, $Month $Day? Order within XX hrs XX mins and choose..."

where "$DayOfWeek, $Month $Day" is 2 days away and I've bought it and it didn't show up until 4,5,6,7 days later. Same thing with the email. It's not "sub-par UI" it's very clearly designed to make you think... no fuck that, it's not just "thinking" they TELL YOU when you will get it and even give you a countdown to "lock in". It's not even deserving of "shitty UI" if they can't honor that text they shouldn't show it. Period. You can't lie on your product page then turn around and point to emails no one reads confirming my purchase. I buy prime because I know it will get here within 2 days and if I can wait (which I normally can) then waiting is worth not having to deal with more shit traffic and going to the store. If it's not going to be here in 2 days I need that in FLASHING RED LETTERS, sometimes I will still be fine. Sometimes, like when it's medicine, I need to know it's not coming when I expect it.

I've had times I've ordered something with the text from above, it not showed up after 2 days and then Amazon telling me it won't be here for another 3-4 days when ON THEIR WEBSITE it still say's "Want it $nowPlus2Days? Order within...". That's bullshit.

All of that said I love Amazon and this inconvenience is minor compared to the value they provide. I just wish they would be a little more honest on the product page. They KNOW this is happening but are choosing to do nothing about it, that really disappoints me. I expected better from Amazon.

"I've had times I've ordered something with the text from above, it not showed up after 2 days and then Amazon telling me it won't be here for another 3-4 days when ON THEIR WEBSITE it still say's "Want it $nowPlus2Days? Order within..."."

I suppose I could be wrong here, so I apologize for doubting you, but next time that occurs double check that you bought from the same seller as the Prime seller that's listed when you go back to check. I still suspect you are getting lost in the UI. Specifically, I think you may have bought from Seller Y, which when you checked out specified was not Prime, and then when you went back to the same exact product page you saw Seller Z offering 2-day prime. I've seen lots of people get tripped up by the way Amazon displays multiple vendors selling the same product on the same page. Vendors will go back and forth competing on pricing, so often the "main" seller that's listed on a product page will continuously switch among several sellers.

> I suppose I could be wrong here, so I apologize for doubting you, but next time that occurs double check that you bought from the same seller as the Prime seller that's listed when you go back to check.

When I had this happen to me, the orders were NOT from a 3rd party seller. They were directly from Amazon proper. This is not a UI issue.

Yeah, I've had what you describe happen - the third party seller UI is a bit wonky, especially when you're filtering by prime. Whenever I've specifically grabbed the prime version, I've gotten it within two days.

I would read "marked on the product page and at checkout" as saying that products just happen to be marked in both places, not saying that it might be marked in only one place and thus not be eligible.

I accept that it happens, but if it does then they are outright lying when they talk about what they offer, and because they are offering two-day shipping then Prime definitely does have everything to do with it, even if they might try to back out of it sometimes.

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