This from the ap8.db from the Android download. I didn't want to install this piece of shit on a real phone, the source does update and get a newer version.
They change depending on the auth type (WEP vs WPA vs WPA2-PSK vs WPA2-Enterprise). It'll be a day or two before someone manages to decrypt the DB. I'd have a crack at it if I had more time.
Anyways, it is 128 bit CBC. I incorrectly assumed 256 bit because I forgot the hex representation of a char is twice the length. Since they don't have a padding block, the shortest possible output is one block. Thus 16 bytes or a hex string of 32 characters in length.
Jesus Christ that's incompetent. I see what you mean, it's 32 hex chars, not binary chars. Since we have the IV and key, we can just decrypt all the passwords.
Getting a different result for the database in the apk:
Most "pwd" are 32 chars long, some are 64 chars, and a few are 96 chars for some odd reason.ap_info, and js_injection tables are empty so you'd have to get at it after syncing to their servers.