I've done many many years Java, then hit Dart and was very impressed.
Since that I have had to do a fair bit of python, php and JavaScript at work. I think if I hadn't seen Dart first I would have quite liked python.
The problem with Dart is that once you've been developing in it for a while it spoils you from liking anything else. I really cringe with python, JS etc autocompleting to a million irrelevant things.
And going back to Java you have the slow dev loop that comes with a compiled language.
At the end of the day I've simply never had a development experience anywhere near as productive and enjoyable as Dart.
Since that I have had to do a fair bit of python, php and JavaScript at work. I think if I hadn't seen Dart first I would have quite liked python.
The problem with Dart is that once you've been developing in it for a while it spoils you from liking anything else. I really cringe with python, JS etc autocompleting to a million irrelevant things.
And going back to Java you have the slow dev loop that comes with a compiled language.
At the end of the day I've simply never had a development experience anywhere near as productive and enjoyable as Dart.