Interesting the Date object was a direct port from java.util.Date. It always felt a little out of place in terms of style in early javascript and this is why.
ES6 is awesome and there are so many good things happening in it. I was always a little irked that ES4 (ActionScript 3 was built on it) that had some of these elements was nixed for ES5 like typing, extending and cleaner events.
Great overview and I picked up a few things I have missed in js advancements like string handling changes (startsWith, endsWith, trim), templating with `, multiline strings!, extend, math functions, arrow, default/rest params, octal/binary literals and tons more. Many of these are probably in everyone's js libs but nice to have them standard.
I am most excited for asm.js of all due to the WebGL and gaming/app performance impact that will make when fully integrated in all browsers this year. asm.js and WebGL gaming is already giving benefit to performance in Javscript and added typed arrays to ES6.
Also in his 90's TV pic, how could you forget Seinfeld?
ES6 is awesome and there are so many good things happening in it. I was always a little irked that ES4 (ActionScript 3 was built on it) that had some of these elements was nixed for ES5 like typing, extending and cleaner events.
Great overview and I picked up a few things I have missed in js advancements like string handling changes (startsWith, endsWith, trim), templating with `, multiline strings!, extend, math functions, arrow, default/rest params, octal/binary literals and tons more. Many of these are probably in everyone's js libs but nice to have them standard.
I am most excited for asm.js of all due to the WebGL and gaming/app performance impact that will make when fully integrated in all browsers this year. asm.js and WebGL gaming is already giving benefit to performance in Javscript and added typed arrays to ES6.
Also in his 90's TV pic, how could you forget Seinfeld?