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Replacing jQuery with D3 (webkid.io)
195 points by chrtze on May 15, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 61 comments

We've been running with d3 instead of jQuery for almost 2 years. Some notes so far:

- d3.selectAll is more verbose than $() but in my opinion, that's not a bad thing as I try to minimize DOM selections anyways;

- transitions are another area where D3 really shines, for cases where you don't/can't use CSS transitions, like displaying a discreet popup status message.

- d3 data binding is oh so convenient, and that's where the real magic happens. Combined with a queueing system like postal.js, we pretty much have the same thinking model as React. The DOM is now an expression of the data, and D3's joins figure out what DOM elements need to be updated. It's slightly lower level than React, in that you specify what happens on enter/update/exit, but in terms of efficiency, it seems great (disclaimer: we haven't run benchmarks);

- if you happen to like CoffeeScript, D3 turns into a very elegant DSL that is consistent for DOM editing, styling and event handling. Here's a simple lightbox modal dialog:

    lightbox.shell = d3.select "body"
      .div "#shadebox"
      .style "opacity", 0
      .on "click", ->

    lightbox.body = lightbox.shell.append "div"
      .attr "id", "lightbox"
      .on "click", -> d3.event.stopPropagation()

    return lightbox.body
- we've added a `.div` function that's shorthand for d3.append and automatically adds an id and/or class, to feel a bit more like Jade;

- one downside we found with D3 is that we can't just grab any jquery plugin and throw it in our app.

> - d3 data binding is oh so convenient, and that's where the real magic happens

It's great, but it has limitations. It only ever binds to a single `__data__` property on the DOM nodes (making it very very difficult to associate multiple sets of data through a single DOM tree) and which needs to be carefully re-bound to each sub-node if you wish to substitute the objects with new ones. And acting on the data (basically two-way binding) and then updating the d3 selection has to be done very carefully too.

I've run into many subtle errors that stem from this fairly primitive method of binding.

It probably could use some additional abstractions to make replaying updates on object replacement/modification easier.

D3 has nested selections that let you handle cases like this. The data for a single element can be an array, and if that element is a div (HTML) or g (SVG) you can do another join and bind those data to its children. More info: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/nest/

To "substitute the objects with new ones", do another join, pass a key function as the second argument if necessary, and use the enter/update/exit pattern.

You're not telling me anything new here. The point is that those data-binds only propagate if you perform all the same selections on your update as you did during enter stage. I reported this issue and they essentially said it can't be improved due to backwards-compatibility requirements[1]

And key functions are non-trivial to create if 1. you use d3.nest[2] (not to be confused with nested selections) 2. you modify the data in a way that changes the grouping 3. you try to match existing nodes back to the changed groupings. Key-based computation is insufficient for dynamically matching DOM nodes to changing sets.

Those two things aren't showstoppers. They just make the data-binding fairly brittle.

The thing that it's bound to a non-namespaced __data__ property is more problematic in my opinion since you always have to pay attention to not overwrite the datum with a different selection on any DOMnode, otherwise you will break callbacks that rely on the data. It basically requires a 1:1 correspondence for DOM to data on the whole subtree.

This makes decomposing the selections into separate steps difficult. I.e. building a base tree and then populating the leaves with a separate data set can easily end up overwriting the data bindings of the base tree. Again, it's possible to avoid these pitfalls but if __data__ had been namespaced it would be far less hazardous.

[1] https://github.com/mbostock/d3/issues/2034 [2] https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Arrays#-nest

A great reference for someone starting out with D3 looking to replace some basic jQuery incantations with D3 ones. I think this code sample is particularly telling:



The D3 API consistency is so juicy and delicious.

Consistency has nothing to do with it. In jQuery you could just as well do:

It's just a different way of invoking it. The short-hand is more convenient since it accepts a selector as well as a plain DOM node and converts that to a jQuery elements. This makes things very easy and idiomatic.

Yeah but jQuery's find (and a ton of its other APIs) are so drastically different than any other programming language/library. `find` in just about any other language returns the first encounter of an item in a set, as opposed to jQuery's `find` which returns all matches in a set.

And don't even get me started on how jQuery hijacks `this` in callbacks...

jQuery's find is almost certainly more useful that way though, if not optimally named.

I can't understand though why you would claim to dislike jQuery providing you a useful 'this'. You prefer to receive the window object?

> jQuery's find is almost certainly more useful that way though, if not optimally named.

Useful but poorly named isn't useful.

> I can't understand though why you would claim to dislike jQuery providing you a useful 'this'.

I prefer programming language libraries to work according to the semantics of the underlying programming language. Is that so wrong?

Come off it. JavaScript's 'this' is meant to be usable in such a manner. http://es5.github.io/#x15.3.4.3

Using bind like that is perfectly fine in application code but I consider that a big violation of Principle of Least Surprise in library code.

Nearly every programming language in existence has some feature(s) that you can shoot yourself in the foot with. Does that mean you should do it?

It's pretty standard practice for JavaScript libs. How much do you actually use JavaScript?

That's true. I am still often missing the shorthand versions if jQuery when working with d3. For example doing something like this:

$('.foo').append('<div class="bar" data-selected="true"/>');

in d3 I have to go the long way:

d3.select('.foo') .append('div') .classed('bar', true) .attr('data-selected', true);

I have recently worked a lot with this plugin https://github.com/gka/d3-jetpack which includes some very nice helper functions!

d3.select('.foo').html('<div class="bar" data-selected="true"/>';

Wouldn't that replace instead of appending?

Yea, that's something d3 can't do: convert raw HTML to DOM nodes the way that $.parseHTML do.

But if you can do that...


okay, didnt think of that solution! thx!

For consistency like that you could always go with:

    $('.foo .bar');
But I would assume you could do the same in D3?

Yes you can. Both libraries are based on document.querySelectorAll which has the same selectors as you know them from CSS.

jQuery's bad api naming shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who followed JavaScript in the past 10 years. They used bind for event handling, proxy for binding, grep as some kind of filtering, keys and indexes are flipped in the looping construct, etc. etc. It really mirrors PHP's interfaces in a lot of ways.

JavaScript is a bad language from the start, not really deserving to be called a language. jQuery makes JavaScript usable.

I was definitely talking API design choices. A lot of libraries achieve the same tasks, sometimes more, than jQuery with more thought-out APIs.

Javascript is perfectly fine. I think you mean the DOM is historically an unusable mess, but even that is getting better these days.

D3 is an amazing library. At first glance thought it's a charting library. Upon further usage realized it's more of a DOM manipulation library just like JQuery, with the additional support on SVG, which happens to do chart.

Jquery works quite well on SVG too. It's all Dom nodes.

There are limits to what you can do with JQuery on SVG, hence the existence of plugins such as this one : http://keith-wood.name/svg.html


I think D3 and JQuery differ more with the dynamic data binding. In D3 you can bind a function to an DOM value.

jQuery's SVG support is limited. For example, it can't do class manipulation today (will be in 3.0 though).

Javascript can also do DOM nodes…

The Ajax section is just not good enough.

The main reason I still use jQuery is that they unify their promise type with their ajax. It's easy to create code that works with any promise, ajax or otherwise.

It would be trivial to convert the callback-based method to a promises one in whichever library you're using. For instance, with bluebird[0]:

    d3.json = require('bluebird').promisify(d3.json);
[0]: https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird

It's easy enough (as others have mentioned) to wrap d3.xhr() in a promise. I actually like that d3 uses callbacks here, leaving async control flow concerns to other libraries.

No, my main quibble here is that d3.xhr() is still short on convenience and flexibility as compared to $.ajax(). (For instance: you have to build GET URLs manually? No .contentType() as a shorthand for the header? No automatic JSON.stringify() when POSTing application/json data? No HTTP basic auth support? etc.)

You should try reqwest if all you need jQuery for is AJAX

A good ajax library that's well integrated with a good promise library, that's completely cross-browser, back to IE7.

Instead of JQuery and D3. You can also use vanilla JS5 nowadays.


[SPOILER: it's not a framework, it's simply native JS5]

both jQuery and D3 are "vanilla js". Just that the person that owns that page doesn't understand the difference between the DOM and Javascript.

Usually people think of DOM as part of JS standard API, similar to Java's standard platform API library. There are many JS books that usually cover DOM but rarely books about DOM itself. As VBScript is dead, JS is the only language that uses that API. So you are technically correct.

What is questionable is "both JQuery and D3 are vanilla js". JQuery is a JS framework that is usually not considered "native". On modern browser it nowadays calls newer DOM API functions like one can do with vanilla/standard JS5. D3 is JS library that is mainly based around SVG, it's usually not considered "native", it calls SVG and DOM APIs like one can do in JS5. Each layer/framework on top means an additional overhead in combined JS file size.

"The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for HTML, XML and SVG documents. [...] Though often accessed using JavaScript, the DOM itself is not a part of the JavaScript language, and it can be accessed by other languages, though this is much less common."


About the topic of replacing jQuery I really enjoyed reading "Weaning yourself off jQuery"[0] by James Halliday. It shows how to replace some of the jQuery features with the DOM API and/or with npm libraries such hyperquest[1].

[0] http://substack.net/weaning_yourself_off_jquery

[1] https://www.npmjs.com/package/hyperquest

I've come to dislike all-in-one solutions. If D3 focused only in rendering there would be a few advantages like a smaller api and smaller file size.

It bothers me that I'm already using superagent for ajax stuff in a React project, and if I want to use D3 I will need to live with that extra bloat.

D3 is really amazing, and I'll be integrating it anyway.

It seems d3 would be easier to use if d3(...) would be an alias to d3.selectAll(...)

Ease of use in the sense that you type less.

I think it would be harder to use from the perspective of a new developer trying to learn D3. selectAll already has way too many responsibilities in my opinion, making it totally opaque what d3(...) really does. OTOH I guess it's kind of the same with jQuery(..), since it can do both selectors as well as create new Elements.

D3 is one of those libraries that I really admire from a conceptual point of view, but boy do I wish the API was more newbie-friendly.

It's rather indicative of an API that has room for improvement when you start noticing just how many tutorials, videos and books that have to explain D3.selectAll. "Well, you see — sometimes it doesn't really select anything, instead it does this other thing"

Not to mention the source code. Very sparsely commented.

I disagree that there's any problem with the API. I do agree that it can be hard for a new developer trying to learn, but I believe that it's worth it. By analogy, learning to code is hard for someone who has not yet done it, but it's still worth the effort, and you would never expect designers of "real" programming languages to dumb things down to make it easy for you the first time.

Should we design our tools so that you can pick them up immediately or should we design them so they give us as much power as possible? I, personally, would prefer Englebart's violin.

"Should we design our tools so that you can pick them up immediately or should we design them so they give us as much power as possible?"

A thoroughly false dichotomy.

It's not either or, it's varying degrees of both.

If someone thinks selectAll is inconsistent, they probably don't understand the central enter/update/exit pattern [1].

D3 is a powerful _drawing_ library and I've used it for totally custom visualizations where no canned tool would suffice. I think there's an un- or only partially-filled niche for more customizable _charting_ library that is more user-friendly.

[1]: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3808218

$ = function(foo) { return d3.selectAll(foo); }

or $ = d3.selectAll; surely?

You also need to re-bind it to d3.

  $ = d3.selectAll.bind(d3);
Since `this` in the `selectAll` will refer to whatever is before the period. When we reassign to `$` in `$ = d3.selectAll`, we lose that. Silly, isn't it?

Demo: http://jsbin.com/guyisewexu/1/edit?js,console

From my perspective I would rather have $.select() instead of $() because it makes more clear what this function actually does.

Future maintainers will hate that.

Done as a global, then probably, yeah. If it's assigned at the beginning of a function as a local var, then used 5 or 6 times, probably no harm done.

...in which case you'd have the same issue mentioned above with jQuery, in that

are consistent, whereas

are not. IMHO, d3's API is cleaner.

Honest question. if there so many similarities between the two, then why not build the library as an jQuery plugin from the beginning?

D3 implements many other features like scales and stuff. The two just have some parts in common when it comes to DOM-manipulations and selections.

totally understand that. i'm just wondering why the authors would want to write methods for DOM manipulation in the first place when they could piggyback off jQuery for that and concentrate on the other stuff.

I appreciate that they didn't. I don't like jQuery. I'm forced to use it for work sometimes, but on side projects I won't touch it. However, I do like D3 a lot for visualization work. If D3 piggybacked onto jQuery, I would find it a lot less palatable.

That said, the way D3 does selections/grouping is much more complex than jQuery. Sure, on the surface level they do the same thing (selecting DOM nodes), but where D3 diverges is the ability to represent DOM nodes as data you tie to it. So your array and your <circle> elements are 1:1, or perhaps your array elements have sub-arrays...D3 can easily tie those sub-arrays into sub-DOM-elements, all while letting you address different pieces of the tree easily.

They are two different beasts. One is a DOM library, one is a visualization library. There is really not a whole lot of intersection beyond some basic operations.

Just one feature missing: event delegation.

Event listeners in d3 are not delegated listeners. Implementing this feature actually is not an easy matter as you need to preserve the d3 data binding context and also attach to the nearest svg element because svg events don't bubble through it.

I use d3.select for data binding with DOM elements. For DOM manipulation, I prefer jQuery. That's the distinction. I don't see advantage of d3.select over jQuery DOM manipulation.

What's the preferred nomenclature: d3 or D3? Even this article uses both.


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