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The biggest thing to remember when dealing with PCI DSS is that it's not the law.

Your PCI obligations come out of a commercial agreement that you have with your processor, which comes out of commercial agreements they have with VISA/MC/et al. That's not to say that it's not a well-defined standard that you're going to end up having to follow in some way, but rather that statements like "Both Litle and Recurly flat out say that you need SAQ A-EP" have more wiggle-room than it would sound like, depending on the rest of the deal you're presenting them with.

If you're a Level 3, I'd argue the goal should be to keep yourself on SAQ-A - the methods of which are pretty well-understood now. Pick a vendor which has a tokenization service designed to be hit from JS (they all work the same way at their core - download JS which contains an implementation of RSA and a public key, browser-side encrypt the CHD using that, send it off, get back a token). Put your payment form inside an iFrame which is served from a PCI-compliant host (like S3). Once tokenization is complete, send the token from inside the form back out to the containing page using postMessage or in the querystring.

Do all that, and you're fine to stay on SAQ-A (https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/Understanding...):

Examples of e-commerce implementations addressed by SAQ A include...[merchant] website provides an inline frame (iFrame) to a PCI DSS compliant third-party processor facilitating the payment process...Examples of e-commerce implementations addressed by SAQ A-EP include...[merchant] website creates the payment form, and the payment data is delivered directly to the payment processor (often referred to as 'Direct Post')

Will they change PCI DSS again to remove the iFrame rules? Maybe, but given the speed the PCI council moves at (and the warnings they give before changing things), I'd deal with it then.

Lastly, if you're thinking of building a service which white-labels credit card processing and sells that processing as a service which your customers can then resell...don't forget about PCI PA-DSS

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