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> 2. gcloud auth login (one time thing)

That's a royal pain in the arse to automate with something like ansible... AWS nailed it with a token & secret (not some horrible expiring oauth2 object).

And that's not to mention gsutils sleeping for a second or two every time it tells you there's an update.

It's like these guys have never heard of devops.

Updates are my problem; I don't expect software to sleep whenever they're available... because you never know, I might be running it in a loop under cron and it might just piss me off when I start to lose performance...

'gcloud auth activate-service-account' will auth using a JWT, acquired from the Cloud Console.

Also, if you are running stuff in Google Compute Engine, no auth flow is needed at all: there is a metadata service that you can connect to (and gcloud connects to by default) that provides credentials associated with the machine you're on.

> It's like these guys have never heard of devops.

:\ yeah...I can't imagine trying to automate a web login flow with ansible...but no one would ever suggest you do that.

(disclosure: I wrote most of the client-side auth code for gcloud)

This was also frustrating on something like CircleCI

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