>Hacker news is a community of (from what I've seen) strong critical thinkers
If I met a community of strong critical thinkers about Chemistry or Civic Engineering I wouldn't ask them advice for my software stack.
Besides, with the exception of a 20% or less who knows what they're talking about (and those only for narrow Computer Science or Engineering fields each), the others might as well be on Reddit. You can find tons of uninformed opinion about anything here. Plus a huge tendency to go with the latest fads (Rails, then JS, then Go, then Rust, etc).
If I met a community of strong critical thinkers about Chemistry or Civic Engineering I wouldn't ask them advice for my software stack.
Besides, with the exception of a 20% or less who knows what they're talking about (and those only for narrow Computer Science or Engineering fields each), the others might as well be on Reddit. You can find tons of uninformed opinion about anything here. Plus a huge tendency to go with the latest fads (Rails, then JS, then Go, then Rust, etc).
>Doctors aren't mythical beings
No, just trained professionals.