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The problem with reading this in BS thesis form is that it hasn't gone through the wringer enough. Most of the performance comparison results vs C are bogus because (to its credit, as noted), the author accidentally compiled some important support libraries for the C version without optimization and used those on the cluster. Oopsie.

As briefly mentioned in the previous chapter this performance regression might have been caused by the two unoptimized libraries that were compiled on the development laptop and copied to the cluster.

Hey author of the thesis here.

You are correct this was definitely an oversight and I would have redone the measurements if time allowed for it. However I just want to state that the libaries were built with optimizations just not on the target platform which might not have been clear from the qoute.

Hey Floya, I'm writing this here hoping you'll see this comment. You're getting a lot of unjust responses in here. The commentors are reading your thesis with the eyes of a trained skeptic expecting peer reviewed, collaborative work that takes years of experience to produce. They're nitpicking flaws and mistakes we all make when we first start researching.

Your thesis is in fact really impressive and very nicely written! Your conclusions and future work section is excellent. Really very well done. Congratulations on finishing it. I hope you don't let the irrationally negative feedback here dissuade you from continuing your work, you certainly have a bright future ahead of you.

Hope the HN experience hasn't felt too bruising. The use of go and rust makes it quite interesting for those of us interested in correct code, not just fast code. And most of the criticism is that you didn't write the paper the commenter would have wanted to see, or didn't write a graduate level paper. And good on you for publishing it on github.

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