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As xlib said, the screenshots were taken with the official client. I have a contributor who is working on a free (as in freedom) texture pack that we can use when we start working on the client.

> As xlib said, the screenshots were taken with the official client. I have a contributor who is working on a free (as in freedom) texture pack that we can use when we start working on the client.

A freely-licensed texture pack would be great, I faced this same problem when developing a different voxel-based game. There are plenty of texture packs available on Minecraft Forums or Curse but very few released under permissive licensing terms, or those that I could find were outdated.

So I made my own, feel free to use it or parts of it if you would like to: https://github.com/deathcap/ProgrammerArt - it is updated for and includes all items and blocks for Minecraft 1.8, available in "resource pack" (1.8-1.6), "texture pack" (1.5), and "stitch pack" (1.4 and earlier, prebuilt texture atlas) formats. It is not the greatest quality artwork I admit, but can serve as a decent placeholder, and best of all is released under CC-BY 4.0 so it can be freely used and distributed. Though if your contributor makes a better free texture pack I'll probably switch =) cheers

Thanks! This looks pretty cool. I especially like the "stick pack" option, of course.

There are dozens of alternate texture packs floating around the web. They're quite popular!

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