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I've been writing most of my utility code in F# for the past few months, is there anything that you guys DON'T like about it? I'm really enjoying how terse it is in comparison to C# and haven't really run into anything that's bothered me, besides Xamarin Studio being bloated.

I don't like the terseness, the global inference and the syntax. Can read it (unless there are custom operators) but cannot write it. Would love to have Scala on CLR: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/9095/what-are...

Could you post any comparison code demonstrating the terseness, or suggest a good site that might demonstrate this?

http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/classes/ starts off with a C# vs. F# class declaration example. Particularly when you want to create a class with 3 member properties and a constructor accepting those 3 properties as parameters, you can achieve that in 4 lines of F# vs. 8 (non-curly brace) lines of C#.

This sort of conciseness is found all over the language as you keep digging deeper. I really recommend Scott Wlaschin's (link author) entire site. The best online resource for learning F#, IMO.

Just to nit-pick: C# 6 should bring this particular case on par with F# if I remember well.

Here's a humorous take on F#'s terseness: http://www.slideshare.net/ScottWlaschin/c-light

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