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MicroTugs (stanford.edu)
107 points by _airh on April 28, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I so want some gecko grip shoes :-) One of the more interesting (and practical) problems is rope climbing. Many large structures and spans start with a shooting a thread across a span, then pulling across a larger rope, then a still larger rope. I would love to see a rope bridging robot that could traverse gaps in that way.

That's awesome. I assume a major, practical problem is the power source and how much work such a small robot can do before running out of energy.

One of their videos mentions the vertical climber with a full battery pack could operated for 100km, or carry a large solar panel with it for continuous operation.

0.4Wh would equate to 17 m with 1 kg weight attached assuming perfect efficiency if my math is right. I would be surprised if it could do much more than 3 m.

I suspect they're talking about the unladen climbing distance, that would be a lot closer to the ballpark.

Good, more companions for the finglonger and angry dome.

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