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Idiocracy is a movie, it's entertainment. There's also two sides to it, one of which a lot of people don't seem to pick up on. The protagonist of the story, the smart guy in the future of idiots, never really applied himself, he was content with being smarter than the average idiots, and he thought that was good enough. It wasn't until he got off his ass and engaged with the world that things started to get better.

Besides which, it's fictional. While there is some truth to the fact that "less educated" people tend to reproduce at a comparatively higher rate than the more educated, it's a fallacy that somehow this is resulting in a "dumbing down" of the human race. For example, raw IQ test scores have been increasing over time quite dramatically (IQ is always normalized to the mean so 100 IQ is by definition the average).

Idiocracy is an entertaining story, and it holds some lessons worth taking to heart, but it is not the truth.

My only point was that a higher IQ is not necessarily an evolutionary advantage for modern day humans and you seem to agree with me.

I think IQ is probably a quality of life advantage (on the whole), but not a quantity of life (as measured in generations, not lifespan).

So, I'm agreeing with you in a strict selection sense.

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