I'm an American. So what I can't help wondering is ...
How comprehensive is the data analysis system that my government uses ???
Is it more ... or less comprehensive ???
Do they really only use it on "bad" actors ??? Or do they use it on everyone to determine who has the capacity to be a "bad" actor ???
Etc etc etc.
Articles like this, at least, give me a good idea of what they are probably doing. However, I have to say, I'd like more articles on how to remain invisible to government surveillance systems. Though I'm pretty sure it is impossible at this point. Or, at the very least...
How comprehensive is the data analysis system that my government uses ???
Is it more ... or less comprehensive ???
Do they really only use it on "bad" actors ??? Or do they use it on everyone to determine who has the capacity to be a "bad" actor ???
Etc etc etc.
Articles like this, at least, give me a good idea of what they are probably doing. However, I have to say, I'd like more articles on how to remain invisible to government surveillance systems. Though I'm pretty sure it is impossible at this point. Or, at the very least...
impractical in the extreme.