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Clojure at a Real Estate Portal (pitheringabout.com)
10 points by swannodette on April 7, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Nicely written. I enjoy the same positive pragmatic feeling using Clojure every day. I'm not sure if there are contexts in which this initial ease is NOT going to payoff (maybe it depends on my limited experience observing large dynamically typed codebases evolving over time).

Having started some Haskell lately, I have the impression that also statically typed FP (not just OO) can suffer from the same mindset to try to figure out correct types up-front. Of course sane discipline and smart developers can overcome this or any other trouble in any language, but still, it brought back a bit of my Java years.

Congrats to the team for the great delivery, another example to illustrate real-life Clojure projects aren't really hard to find anymore.

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