It doesn't seem designed for large complex things though. Postgres support is on the way. I've been playing with it and trying to implement uploading profile pictures and that's quite hard. The standard thing in Meteor seems to be to offload the job to someone else's server probably running PHP. It's fun to use, I recommend playing about and trying to build something.
Josh Owen's talk is quite good on the business case for it. His company has built 40 apps using it, he says they tend to take about 6 weeks vs 10 for Rails.
It doesn't seem designed for large complex things though. Postgres support is on the way. I've been playing with it and trying to implement uploading profile pictures and that's quite hard. The standard thing in Meteor seems to be to offload the job to someone else's server probably running PHP. It's fun to use, I recommend playing about and trying to build something.
Josh Owen's talk is quite good on the business case for it. His company has built 40 apps using it, he says they tend to take about 6 weeks vs 10 for Rails.