Seeing this, thought I'd share a prototype of mine. For the minecrafters out there who use worldedit: here's a javascript library prototype that lets you draw minecraft scenes. Demo is a doodling of a skeleton grinder: that I made the other year.
Code example goes like something this:
// var scene = (some babylon js stuff here, - sorry, messy)
var WE = new Worldedit(scene);
.select([-4, 0, -4])
.move([0, 2, 0])
.select([0, -5, 7], [-1, -1, 6])
Suppose I should consider finishing this library, namely porting it from BabylonJS to three.js, finishing worledit functions, etc but thought it was a fun exploration of babylonjs and raw files from minecraft (the textures are just extracted from the minecraft jar file).
Code example goes like something this:
Suppose I should consider finishing this library, namely porting it from BabylonJS to three.js, finishing worledit functions, etc but thought it was a fun exploration of babylonjs and raw files from minecraft (the textures are just extracted from the minecraft jar file).