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No web framework is perfect. I do dislike parts of Angular, for example silently ignoring unrecognized directives.

I love doing web development, but parts of web programming suck. Therefore, there's going to be parts in every web framework that suck.

I find that being a fanboy for any framework is unhealthy. So is being a hater. It has good parts & bad parts. This article seems uninformed. There is a lack of Angular specific terminology. Most of the criticisms may in fact be valid, but are not backed up or explained. The author also recommends alternatives then goes on to imply he has not yet "taken these for a spin". I feel the author may be talking about stuff he doesn't have enough experience with.

I won't tell you Angular is the best framework, or that it is good or bad. I will advise you to ignore articles like this & try it out for yourself.

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