Why should we expect that 99/100 people have anything insightful to say about government? Even the person who is college-educated and took maybe 1 or 2 government classes is way out of depth talking about it. There are maybe a "handful" of people who could give a meaningful evaluation of government or some alternative governing system... similarly the requirement that someone be literate and have the "chops" to change government is good -- you don't want a person who doesn't even know what congress is trying to make changes to something they don't understand because they read an article on huffington post about it and decided it was "problematic" because it didn't fall quite in line with something they believed rather strongly but without good reason to be true.
We shouldn't. I don't vote because I don't delude myself into thinking that I'm informed, or that it's possible for me to be reasonably informed.
We should minimize the amount of decisions people make about government. The best way to do this is to mostly do away with the federal government and maybe the state government, deferring as much as possible to small, local communities where it's possible for people to be reasonably informed.