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> There is no slavery on Foxconn plants[..]

While it's not slavery in the traditional way, it sure is when you pay workers virtually nothing for a product that's overpriced.

Think a situtation where you'd be an administrator for Amazon and you're getting $10/day just because you live in <x> country, while your other _only_ option is to - as you said - "go away and grow some rice".

While this is a completely legal action, would you say that it's also ethical?

But no, whenever a f*cked up situation is not near our own precious asses, it doesn't matter. They can go out and grow some rice.

The workers who manufacture the iPhones aren't Apple employees. They're Foxconn employees, and Apple doesn't really have much control over how much they get paid. I mean sure, they could say "here's an extra Billion, make sure that the workers who build the iPhones get these"; I'm sure Foxconn would take it, but who knows where it would go from there.

If the average salary in my country would be $1 I would be happy to get that $10 from Amazon. I live in a country where average salary is about $500, I know what I'm talking about. And yes, if things will become really bad I will prefer to live in the village with my mother and grow potatoes rather than committing a suicide. :D

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