Sort of a tangent, I have the following idea, and would like to see if this idea could be quickly proved out with a fantasy model:
I was thinking an initial investment account could be setup for
Every baby born where the government would put in say ten thousand into an account for eighteen years and The new adult would then return $10k from the account at that point and would have that money as a foundation for entering society.
The way I have usually seen this expressed is that you take funding that would otherwise go to support/welfare programs, and use it to fund this. The problem becomes one of who is responsible if the particular investment fund/vehicle doesn't perform well enough to even pay back the original $10K? If it's going to be Government directed, then what the US buys and sells becomes a bit of a market mover, and you have to invest "against" that to have any hedge if the person running the US fund guesses wrong.
This has also been proposed as a way to get out of the Social Security "mess" that is heading our way.
Not saying it couldn't be done, but haven't seen the idea ever get much traction.
I was thinking an initial investment account could be setup for Every baby born where the government would put in say ten thousand into an account for eighteen years and The new adult would then return $10k from the account at that point and would have that money as a foundation for entering society.