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You seem completely secure in your quibbling.

Im confused :) It was just a comment that sprung out at me

The fact remains the bikes are only as secure as the system used to storing them :) no reason hacks wont spring up. I was surprised no one else here commented on it.

(no need to be vicious)

I disavow myself of any unintended vicioun, I simply wished to point out that 'nothing is completely secure' is a bit of an irrelevant nitpick.


Heh, yeh sorry - a comouter was aggravating me and I took it out here.

It might be nit picking... but it's worth pointing out. It's like marketing a hack-proof computer; there would be an outcry :) (and rightly too).

But mostly it was just a throw away observation ;)

In Japan, it's as good as theft-proof.

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