I am tracking my productivity day-by-day. It's generally sloppy, but there were a few outliers where I got done a lot. All these days had one thing in common: I forgot my smartphone at home.
That's my main reason (and battery life) for not having a smartphone. I have the attention span of a gnat and a smartphone would totally wreck my productivity. My general way of dealing with addictive substances is to ban them from my life entirely, that seems to work well so far.
As a techie, I find it exceedingly hard to ban myself from here. Setting up a work-around for browser blocks, dns blocks, etc--takes a couple of minutes at best, not to mention there's a ton of pages where they just use the api and create their own interface.
I usually just edit my hosts file now, because it prevents the 2-second "ctrl+t, n, enter" combo and makes me think about what I'm doing.